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About Debowing

  • Birthday 03/15/1971

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  1. Thanks, I will try this.
  2. I will check it. I will provide a log next time, as I have since used Xplane for a different plane.
  3. How is this done? Pressing the uncage button doesn't uncage it.
  4. Point 3 'pick the route on the list' How is that actually done? Do I enter the number (after pressing NEXT to reach the right page) then press RETURN or ENTER? None of that actually selects any plan.
  5. Friends, after purchasing the GTN 750 and its rather extrapolated installation process (many many menus) I managed to install it into the aircraft and it really brings the Jet to life. Just use NAV on the selector and everything will work flawlessly. Is it correct to assume that the UNS is not required to be on when using the GTN? Despite the cost, I recommend getting the GTN.
  6. Once the GTN 750 is installed outside of X-plane, it is a matter of selecting it as shown above.
  7. Debowing


    I see now NWS is done by the rudder. Is there an option to do this by tiller as in version 1.00?
  8. Debowing


    After updating to v 1.01, I am unable to engage Nose Wheel Steering. Where is the knob/lever located?
  9. Apologies, yes, I mean the UNS-FMS, when I say GNS.
  10. Aha, so the Co flight plans are not loaded by the GNS, but by the 530...Thanks will try this.
  11. How can a saved FMS plan be loaded into the GNS? I try but am unable to achieve it.
  12. How can the jet be loaded in a cold and dark regime?
  13. Thanks - the problem source was the turn knob, it was slightly not centered...
  14. All is operational but my AP just won't engage
  15. Hi, are there any plans for an upgrade?
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