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Dave B

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  1. Thank you for taking a look! Log.txt
  2. Any suggestions on X-Plane 11 (latest) not loading since upgrading to 1.2.2? Removed Preferences folder from Output folder and all loaded well (but of course, no SR 22. X-Plane works until I try to add the control profiles folder to Preferences. (Windows 10 latest; X-Plane 11.55).
  3. ...sorry for the rant. The TorqueSim SR22 is still excellent and I am more than happy with it. The issues I'm having are with Windows, not the sim.
  4. This is disappointing. I didn't have this problem with the previous version. I also had the ability to program the TOGA button (specifically the active flight director on take off) on the previous version. I have attempted multiple times to remove the read-only attributes. I have completely disabled the firewall and anti-virus components of my computer. I am assured that I am an administrator (and only user) for this computer, yet with 1.2.0 I have lost options.
  5. So my livery folder continue to spontaneously create read-only files. I have never successfully changed the livery despite having reset the folder and sub folders and even removed read only individually to every folder and file in the livery folder. Log attached after last attempt. Thank you in advance. Log.txt
  6. New question (promise I won't be a pest): I thought that Bat 2 was a diode test (BAT 2 on -> Flaps light off) and that Bat 1 powered the equipment fans (BAT 1 on -> sound of equipment fans). In v1.2.0 it seems that BAT 2 is still a diode test (Flaps light out) but now also powers the equipment fans. (BAT ! still powers fans, too). (This is trivial, I'm just curious)
  7. I'm using the stock Red Swoosh. Livery folder has no anomalous or duplicated files. log.txt attached. Log.txt
  8. When I try to change the tail number using the change livery generator, itwon't let me. I type in the tail number I want, click "regenerate livery",get a voice confirmation, but C-FOXY remains.
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