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Aeropole657 last won the day on March 28 2021

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  1. Okay ! I had to select the airplane with engine run, then shutoff then quit XP12 then open again then load the CJ and it works. I made three restarts to test and it seems working. Let’s see.
  2. Okay update: Deinstalled the CJ525 and reinstalled. Login to XAviation server. Then, all is fine. But when I relaunch XP12, things are going wrong. Spent 3hours to understand, but now I am lost
  3. Hi, Just downloaded the updated version today. All is working perfectly. Switches, flaps etc... but impossible to move the throttle. I cannot put to the throttle to idle during the startup sequence so impossible to start the engine. My log enclosed. I removed all the plugins, no changes. All of my other aircrafts are running well with the throttle. Thank you in advance Log.txt
  4. Thx Cameron. I know that my configuration is light but is doing the job. I know I need an upgrade for the close future.
  5. Intel I5 10th 3,4ghz GTX 1650 4gb 32Gb Ram Understand the engine behind the cirrus is very complex but I have the Entegra version as well. FPS are not top notch but well enough to fly
  6. Any feedback? Thx in advance
  7. I have exactly the same problem with the last 2.0.2 version. In the plugin admin tab, SR22 G1000 takes me only 2/3% max of the performance. Up to 35fps. But when Gizmo appear it drop to 5/6fps freezing and then coming back to up 35fps when gizmo disappear Thx in advance for your help.
  8. So true @tkylerfor the 95% and I am one of them. Looking forward to fly it soon. You are doing a hard work behind the scene, this is fantastic Thx a lot
  9. Thank you very much -tkyler.
  10. Fantastic job, looking forward to flying with it again. Question: Might it be possible to have a variant without the cabin? Cockpit is far more important for me and this will save some fps as well. Thank you in advance
  11. Understand. Thank you very much for your cooperation. As soon as I get a new CTD, I will send you the full log. By the way, it is a superb aircraft.
  12. Same reason: “Failed to download WAAS API data: server responded with error 404 (Not Found)” and CTD. Thank you
  13. Same for me. No problem at all before v1.1. Huge frustration when you get a CTD after so much preparation and immersion. Thank you in advance for your help.
  14. "The patch is called "new hardware". Super answer! very pro-active - FYI My system is new, 6month ago! Acer Nitro ... "This is a meaningless statement" Again what a interesting one. You don't like the comparison, excuse me. I have the CRJ, Saab340, IXEG B737, Jetstream32, no complaints so far but you are not alone into the market. I just try to understand. Is it a problem? Honestly, in that specific case, it is the way of saying what you think, the perception itself. But perhaps I am too old style and too frustated as well, you are fully right. Discussion closed. All the best.
  15. Thank you for this haughty answer. I am extremely disapointed. I support your product since my first post and I still think that it is a great one. But I spent 55$ to buy it and do you think that is it normal to get such an arrogant answer?! I am a longtime and loyal customer of X-Aviation, but today "I was" sorry. Who are you to talk like that Mr Cameron? You treat all of your customers like that? The patch for you will be: Doing a training - "Best practice in Sales and customer support" Full stop. Good luck for the future.
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