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  1. no crash on first little test flight, I will test some more and will report back, if I experienced another crash.
  2. Thanks for the quick reply! I was already assuming, that JAR GroundHandling plugin could be the source of the problem. I already deleted it from plugins folder and am testing at the minute. Will report back if I had any more crashes.
  3. Ok here you go with my X plane 11 log file. There are some minor errors showing with simheavens X Europe, but the sim shouldn´t crash to desktop at all And I don´t think this is related to the crash to desktop. I just want to find the reasen for the ctd´s nothing else. Thanks for any help! Log.txt
  4. I just repeat what I already said: My Sim never crasehd no matter what airplane I was using. After updating the Saab to 1.6.1 I had 3 crashes today flying the Zibo.
  5. My Sim is running flawlessly normally. Only thing I did today was updating the Les Saab 340 to 1.6.1. Had 3 crashes today with X plane 11 trying to fly the Zibo. 2 times on the ground and one time while being on the arrival. Freaking frustrating. Just wanted to leave this here.
  6. @Wansti I had the same, make sure the cond levers are probably set and "locked in the down position" They added a feature, its not just only setting the cond lever in the position is not enough.
  7. Hey Pilots, I´ve flown the Saab in earlier builds without any problems. With the newest version my engines just shut down appr. 1 minute after departure. I´ve tried for the past 2 hours to solve this problem. Even occurs after using the auto start feature. Everything is in the green area, I do have enough fuel, I just can´t make out the problem. Just me with that problem or anyone else experiencing similar behaviour? greetz
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