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Everything posted by Gábor

  1. About this wear and tear feature. I would have been expected for this also. Even if it is a very reliable plane, a wear on brakes, oil quality and quantity, landing gear, etc would be affected on daily basis. Ok, I understand it is still under consideration, but please... Apply this asap please, this would give a lot for immersion.
  2. Cannot wait, my Honeycomb Bravo quadrant bought yesterday for that upcoming challengering experience.... All set, your turn...
  3. But Goran, I am much more interested if a greater CHALLENGE would come soon... If you know what I mean I have spare money to spend...
  4. I checked it after landing. There was no failure in maintenance manager.... There is just 15 hours flight time in this airframe...
  5. Please find attached the log.txt Log.txt
  6. Of course, I tried a couple of times. I have 100 hours flight time with this bird, I know it very well. This was definitely a problem, I never experienced this before.
  7. Captains, After dozens of flight today experienced a weird issue. The autopilot suddenly did not follow the flight director. The flight director moved properly but the the aircraft just flew straight. From the half of the flight I had to fly it manually following the flight director. What caused this? No failures, nothing. No clue. Thanks for help. G.
  8. I thought the taxing, which is usually more than 2 minutes, is enough to cool down the turbine... Maybe I am wrong. Do you believe that this wrong methodology what I used caused this engine malfunction by the time? Thanks.
  9. Captains, what are the engine maintenance periods for PT6 engine? I tell you a story. In my airframe I had a turbine with 67 hours of lifetime. After my route when I finished I put the engine to low idle before shut down. I realised that my ITT went to red section around 880 Celsius. I shut down the engine. I felt something is not good, I wanted to check. I did motoring to cool ITT below 150, and after added fuel into starting sequence, ITT was rocketing into hell and even flames came out from engine. I aborted the start up straight away. Unfortunately my chamber was destroyed. I repaired it. I did again the startup, but the same happened, but this time my chamber survived. I serviced all part of the turbine to make it work, but I had to replace the turbine chamber because I could not repair it anymore. I spent 550.000 dollars ( ok, 150.000 could have been spared). What part caused this issue? My all turbine parts were in good or as new conditions. After how many working hours do you recommend preventive maintenance to avoid this? And for which part? Thanks.
  10. @Goran_M I just uploaded for u the requested file after this "deleted flight plan issue after direct to a waypoint". Thank you for the investigation.
  11. Hi Goran, Please find attached. It happened again during approach to LIMC. when I was told by ATC to go direct a WP. Again, the whole FP deleted. log_210317_161130_EPKK.csv
  12. During a VATSIM flight you get many times direct to a route waypoint. I choose the WP in the flight plan and I press the direct to button, then enter. Many times this working fine, but randomly sometimes weird thing is happening. The autopilot does not follow the GPS track as does not respond to it even I fly exactly on the purple line. Please investigate as this is not happening all the time. Thanks
  13. Captains, Yesterday during a VATSIM flight I was instructed to direct a specific waypoint. I chose the point in flightplan and I pressed the direct button and entered it. The whole flightplan was deleted, just the direct remained in it. It is weird, because this methodology was used before and nothing happened with the flight plan. This specific route was quite long and it consisted airways. Before not. Could this be the reason? So how to enter direct properly without deleting the flight plan? Thank you.
  14. Captains, Is it possible to mirror weather radar images to the default map view? I could not find the way to do so, but I know that in real TBM it is possible. Thanks.
  15. Actually at my arrival the Garmin predicted 30 galls remaining, after landing I had 150 gallons remaining. Quite big difference. With this I cannot plan my speed profile with high safety. Thank you for your help in advance!
  16. Captains, I am on a long range cruise at FL310 with torque 46%. I had full tanks. Weirdly Garmin predicted at destination 40 gallons. By my calculations ( actual fuel consumption and ETA) I should have 120 gallons. And this was always, I had a destination much more fuel then Garmin predicted. What is the reason behind it? What I do wrong? Thanks.
  17. Captains, I am afraid that my default setting for Honeycomb Alfa Yoke A/P disengage is not good. What is the right command what I should choose? My actual settings disconnect AP and Yaw damper, plus disengage Aproach and FD goes off, after that simply I cannot fly with FD the ILS approach as the FD frozen. Thanks
  18. Captains, How the enter into FMC a default holding pattern? I am not speaking of the already existing holding patterns what come with missed approaches automatically, as I know this. Thank you.
  19. Captains, I read that this airplane uses an automatic torque limiter function which helps the pilot during take off usually. To be honest since the beginning I was moving the thrust lever to have the proper torque. Where can I setup the automatic torque setting? Thank you.
  20. Wow, I never ever would have thought about it. Even I did not know that I can do that. Thanks mate, I will try.
  21. Dears, one more thing. Somehow my Tbm900 is consuming fuel like crazy. I tell you an example. I flew yesterday from LHBP to LOWI. It is not very far. I had both fuel tanks full. My cruise altitude was FL310. The torque was 44%. When I arrived to LOWI it was almost empty, around 30 gallons left. According to the specs sheet this plane should fly minimum 2200 km at FL310 with much higher speed then I was traveling with 44% torque. If I am not mistaken my speed with this was .42 Mach. For example when I flew from LHBP to LGIR I had to refuel 2 times along my trip. Ok, I was flying that time with torque 82% at FL310. Whatsoever, what is the secret with this bird? I cannot believe it that I can fly just 700 km with full tanks. Thank you.
  22. You were right, that was the problem.:) Thank you.
  23. Well, I have to check it, but the volume was 100%. But on the other hand I believe the texting should have been working though....
  24. Dears, As unfortunately the tbm900 cannotbe used with VATSIM, as the radio setting for a specific frequency does notgo through. I use the same methodology like with other airplanes where itworks just fine.Simply even if I'm on the right radio frequency nobody can hear more and Icannot hear also communication even verbally or in text.Please fix this asap as I would like to fly with this beautiful bird onVATSIM.
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