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Mario Donick

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Everything posted by Mario Donick

  1. Congratulations to your first landing My first successful one was Pitt Meadows, near Vancouver, but in FS9, in a Carenado C172. The availability of both exactly this airplane, and good scenery for Canada and Alaska (mainly by Tom Curtis) made my switch to X-Plane final. (Although one has to admit that the visual quality one gets in FSX with OrbX addons for these regions is currently not achieved by XP. Maybe some day ...)
  2. No, just photo editing in Picasa.
  3. Still in Dubai. What a magnificient scenery.
  4. Very beautiful. In which program did you add the post-processing filters?
  5. I can't see any problem. I started to use the plugins three days ago with 2.10, and updated to 2.11 yesterday, and AP works fine...?
  6. 3rd leg of my world tour, from Odessa / Ukraine to Dubai: Complete report here.
  7. San Diego: Sceneries: - KSAN Airport: LatinVFR (FSX, own conversion) - City buildings: Brian Winton (FSX, conversion: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=17919 )
  8. This is a beautiful picture. Very realistic.
  9. Please try to use the autopilot without the Saitek panels and check if it works correctly. This is to make sure if the Saitek plugins are the reason or something else. If it also happens without the Saitek panels, you may have misunderstood something about the AP in general. If it happens only with the Saitek panels, check their configuration and if the VS button is working (hardware wise, I mean). Also test it with another plane.
  10. The brightness of the screen and the lack of animations are just what they are, so no bugs on your side. Are you exactly following the tutorial flight? You need to be careful to really press the correct buttons in the correct order (esp. the inner and outer knobs are sometimes a bit tricky).
  11. Beautiful! Did you do this livery? Or where can we download it?
  12. Okay -- I can report success! Adding "SURFACE asphalt" to all the .pol files solved my problem and I can use the apt.dat which was generated by FS2XPlane, and this lets me also use the textures of the scenery. Chris, thanks for your help with the shell script hint -- without such a script it would have been a painful process
  13. Yes, where did you get the Comet? Is it even a beta of the promising project at http://dh-aircraft.co.uk/news/news.html ??
  14. The bash script that adds that line looks like this: for f in *.pol; doecho -e "\r\nSURFACE asphalt" >> $fdone Just tested on my MacOS machine in office. When I'm at home, I'll download win-bash and will try if adding the line to the .pol files has an effect.
  15. The shell script is a good idea, I will try this and see if that works.
  16. Thanks. Hmm... Besides the runway/taxiway dds/pol files there are hundreds of transparent .dds files with associated .pol files, very small. They have no meaningful filenames and are all the same, bascially. The have no SURFACE attribute. Maybe I should try to add this ...
  17. Hello, I converted FlyTampa's Dubai Rebooted (FS9 version, as FSX does not work well), and nearly everything works fine and looks great -- except the runways and the taxiways are extremly bumpy. I opened the package in WED 1.2 and imported the apt.dat generated by FS2Xplane. When I select the runways, they all show "surface" = "transparent" and "roughness" = "0.25". I tried to change the surface to "asphalt", but this had no effect. I then read something about .pol files, and indeed there are several .pol files in the "objects" folder of the scenery. Could these be related to my problem? Deleting the apt.dat of the converted scenery is no good option, because then I would need to adjust the whole airport layout -- delete all the runway textures of the conversion and somehow tell X-Plane about the changed runway tresholds etc -- I already tried that, and I made everything worse. Is there a simple solution to get the ground "hard"? Edit: I noticed that the .pol files with filenames related to runways and taxiways all look like this: I850 # Converted by FS2XPlane 3.26DRAPED_POLYGONTEXTURE grd_rwy.ddsTEXTURE_LIT grd_rwy_LIT.ddsSCALE 128 128LAYER_GROUP taxiways +2SURFACE concrete Anybody an idea...? Edit 2: As temporary solution, I downloaded Ted Davis' Dubai scenery for XP9 and used his apt.dat instead of the generated. I then added a big exclusion zone for trees, plants etc. in Overlay Editor. Works okay now, but it's not perfect: I need to delete all the FSX runway textures, taxiway markings and taxisigns now, which is a pity, because they look much better than the X-Plane equivalents. So if anybody knows how to get the generated apt.dat to have a "hard" ground, this help would be very appreciated.
  18. You have to understand that the SASL plugin is not developed by Carenado. They only use it, like many other developers do. That's why they don't include it in their downloads. Officially, they only sell XP 9 and XP 10.11 planes at the moment, except the A36. But I can assure you that you can simply use that 64 bit version, it will work.
  19. But you for sure act like one X-Plane is not FSX -- and this is also true when it comes to development. Most developers here are single persons, without a big budget, completely unlike some of the companies you might be used to from FSX. Also, X-Plane has always been and will always be a platform in constant change, and this also includes broken addon products from time to time -- until these small teams find the time to fix it. Take Carenado, for example. They are well known in FSX, too. But afaik there is only one guy who's doing the X-Plane versions of their planes. And this means: Completely re-developing each plane, except some parts of the visuals. So now one could be angry with Carenado that nearly their complete XP fleet does not work correctly in XP 10.20 atm -- and don't we have every right to be angry? We paid for it, right? We can EXPECT to get these updates ASAP, can't we? Maybe. From a purely verbatim understanding of "customer" and "company" that might be true, as are your dictionary definitions. But that would fail to see where XP is currently. Small developers, often single persons, with multiple projects -- but a community that is very much able to help each other out. Sometimes reminds me a bit of Linux, instead of Windows. Okay, maybe that (my) complete posting should be moved to the RANT board.
  20. And now for something completely different: Michael Wilson's Short Solent, somewhere near Juneau, Alaska. Great plane to fly, despite its age.
  21. Here's another try: I remember that, when X-Plane 10 was still new, some people complained about the hydraulic pressure lights of older (v9) planes constantly turned on (see, for example, http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=57311 ). The reason was that in XP10 the hydraulic system was changed, and obviously old planes would require updates for that. Many planes are still not updated, though. Now I checked about the Javelin. It was apparently made for XP 9.1, which is really old (and that's also why it is of course 64 bit compatible -- it probably does not use any plugins, which became common much later). So although most of it will run, it's not a surprise that some things may not work as intended anymore. It may well be that also the other issues you mention may be related to its age. Maybe a bigger update is required. But if that makes sense economically must be decided by Javier.
  22. Okay -- that was really stupid of me -- I was referring to JRollons Jetstream 32. Which again proves the German saying "Wer lesen kann, ist klar im Vorteil." ("Who's able to read is clearly in advantage.") Well. Can't help you then, sry. Edit: Despite being obviously not as intelligent as you (sorry for insulting your intelligence by making a mistake), your SLIGHTLY arrogant attitude in your postings might not convince many people trying to help you.
  23. No, you don't need to buy the A36. A 64 bit version of SASL is already available for download, e.g. here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=65052 Regarding Carenado's update policy, please read this thread: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=65089 They are mostly waiting for some changes in the lightning system which are expected for XP 10.21 before updating their fleet -- which is currently for XP9 (except the A36).
  24. Calm down. I assume you have pressed the two buttons which activate the hydraulic system in the overhead panel (see page 19 of the manual) and started your engines successfully? If you did, no HYD warning light should be visible. I have just confirmed this in my Jetstream before answering your post. What do the hydraulic gauges in the centre console show? Regarding the speed issue: Don't forget to put the RPM lever back to taxi. You might also try to brake. Edit: And don't forget to use reverse power after touch down.
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