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SYSCD7000 last won the day on August 24 2024

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    : London, UK

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  1. Hi, Thanks, this works. Yes that seems to fix it. Will the update stop this top right message appearing? I know all you have to do is click on it, but it would be good if its not there in the first place. Thanks,
  2. Sicnce the recent March '23 update of the G500 I can't it to work with the Sundowner. It says not installed but installs it and then says its not. Ive tried going into G500 Aircraft installer and get it it to point to the Sundowner but that does not make any difference.
  3. Sorry, seems OK now
  4. Hi, 1) The engines burn out easily despite not using full throttle, 2) My landing rate (although 3rd party add on) makes strange comments, like RIP when I have landed perfectly well, 3) I start getting ATC messages that I am flying, when I am takiing, and vice versa. I have no problem with any other G500 compatiable aircraft once I have updated the G500 to the same level as Orbx True Earth versions. i.e. OpenGWS version I do not get this problem with any other aircraft.
  5. Do you know when the TorqueSim BN2T will be updated. I seem to be having problems with it. Strange, even with v2.1.0 Released?
  6. Hello, Do you know when they are going to release an update for this. I can't get it to work with Orbx scenary and typically get a CTD. When using any other scenary there is no problem. Thanks,
  7. Thanks for this
  8. Yes I got it to work. Can be a bit tricky though. I found that both the ALT and the VS Indications on the Autopilot need to be OFF, and then the aircraft will follow the Glideslope. Also, in my opinion comments on this should be added to the online manual. I looked for it there but could not find anything about this? Thanks again for your help.
  9. Thanks I will try that tomorrow
  10. It just been corrected
  11. The autopilot does not follow the glideslope like with other aircraft, despite having GS armed on the STEC Autopilot. ALT is turned off during this time. The aircraft just follows the localizser.
  12. No I can't get it to work. I do not have any problem with my other aircraft. I can get the localizer to work no problem. but not the glidescope. In my experience, some older aircraft do not have glidescope capability. Is the Sundowner one of them?
  13. Thanks for your reply.
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