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  1. Item 13 - BATT is ON. Logical? We should ask Mr. Spock.
  2. No problems here. Speedy Schnell!! You stated "same with you". Do you also have the message from Gizmo in the upper right corner? If so, then you need to do as Ben Russell advised the original poster.
  3. Today, I thought I would see how this aircraft works in XP 12. It does not. I think it's down for phase maintenance because it's missing the engine doors. It looks super though! It is a great airplane to fly in the sim. It is great for sightseeing, flight basics and how to finesse trims. Here's to hoping and praying that it will one day make its way into XP 12.
  4. As far as the menu issue you mentioned, check out this post.
  5. Nevermind. I discovered that I forgot to hit save in Navigraph when I added XP12 to the list. Duh!
  6. Hi Coop. Can the database be updated? It currently displays 2112, 29 December 2021 on the splash screen. Ancient. Or does it use XP navdata and the splash screen doesn't update to the current one. I use Navigraph by the way. Thank you.
  7. Never mind. I just saw where I can turn the popup menu off. Awesome - Now I can continue pushing on buttons and making alarms go off with no interruptions.
  8. I too have had this issue from the week of release. XP12 was and is a vanilla copy and I don't run beta's. I initially did a fresh install of XP12 and it temporarily relieved the error or so I thought. Last week I did a fresh install of Windows 11 and all of the C++ stuff with a fresh install of XP12 on a separate drive. Last night I installed the 737 and it did the same thing. Also, my configuration is with 1080p triple monitors. Today I discovered that the error only occurs when I move my mouse to the left side of the main screen and the popup options menu appears. As stated in an earlier post, clicking on "Ignore" lets you continue on until you once again put that mouse pointer on the left edge of the screen. Rinse and repeat.
  9. I'm curious. When you run the installer, do you click yes to remove the previous install? You should do this action if you haven't. I had the Level 2 failed also but all is fine after the installing the update that had the fix.
  10. This has been resolved. I had barely used XP12 so I did a full XP12 dump and fresh install. Appears to be okay now. I was also having issues with the DC3 several days before the 737 release but I wasn't getting this error. DC3 appears to be okay also. I did try the ol' remove plugins technic and uninstalls/reinstalls of the 737 beforehand. No joy. That was my solution for a barely used XP12.
  11. That was it. An external trim wheel was the culprit. I unplugged the device and fired up the Classic and no typewriter. Looks like a total computer power down and startup didn't reset that device. I did fire it up again with the device and the sound is not present. Thank you for your help and the awesome products you have created.
  12. There is an annoying ticking sound inside the Classic cockpit. It sounds like someone typing on a typewriter. It may also be in the Modern cockpit. Don't know on that because the Modern has some sound issues that are being addressed. The aircraft is powered down in the Cold & Dark state. Also, this is a fresh install of XP12 v12.06.
  13. This only happens with the 737 in XP12. MU2 no issues. Multiple aircraft from X-Aviation in XP11 run with no problems. Thinking about dumping XP12 and do a fresh install.
  14. This is what I am dealing with. Happens everytime. Removed plugins, uninstalled 737, reinstalled. Also seeing the Level-2 check fail each time. I click retry and we're done. Log.txt
  15. Since this is a new/updated version of the product, is there a new location to submit a problem? Also, what location do you desire?
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