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Everything posted by micknudsen

  1. Hi, I managed to solve to problem myself. It happened by accident: Turns out that it's not sufficient to just *press* the keys -- you have to *hold* them for about one second. Weird, but it works :-) /Michael
  2. Hi FloB, Thanks for taking your time trying to assist me. Yes, I did read the manual, but it is very brief and doesn't really do a great job of explaining how to configure the keys. I don't know how to set keys for plugin-commands in general. I tried adding different keys in the ini-file (at least, that is what I thought I did), and I also made sure to remove them from the "standard" settings in X-Plane in order to avoid conflicts. However, it still didn't work. Thanks, Michael
  3. How did you come up with that idea? I have been struggling for hours now trying to set up the number keys (the regular ones, since I don't have a keypad on my Mac keyboard) as presets, but I still haven't succeeded. Simply putting [PRESETn] HotKey = n doesn't work (even if I delete the original assignments to the number keys in the settings). Maybe I need to add HotKeyModifiers, but I have absolutely no clue what they should be.
  4. Has anybody managed to make this work on a Mac? I have spent about an hour on Google now to figure out how to define the presets in the ini file. The closest I came was someone using the number keys on the keypad ... but have I no keypad on my keyboard. I would really like to use the number keys for presets, but nothing seems to work. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks, Michael Knudsen
  5. micknudsen

    X-Aviation Releases CRJ-200 1.4.1 Update

    Just wanted to add that I manage solve my problem: Turned out that my password was too complicated. It contained several special characters and apparently messed up the installer.
  6. Is anybody else having troubles installing the update on Mac OS X Lion? After typing in my email address and password, I get the following error: "Error fetching URL http://www.x-aviatio...ant/wrapper.php". If I deliberately type in a wrong password, I get a different error saying that email and password don't match, so it seems that I do have connection to the server.
  7. micknudsen

    X-Aviation Releases CRJ-200 1.4.1 Update

    Is anybody else having troubles installing the update on Mac OS X Lion? After typing in my email address and password, I get the following error: "Error fetching URL http://www.x-aviation.com/merchant/wrapper.php". If I deliberately type in a wrong password, I get a different error saying that email and password don't match, so it seems that I do have connection to the server.
  8. Thank you so much for your quick reply. It helped a lot!
  9. Hi, I have just purchased the beautiful CRJ-200 from X-Aviation, and I'm really fascinated by the great details of the 3D cockpit. However, I find it really difficult to use. How do you guys use 3D cockpits? When I move my mouse, the entire view moves (and it moves really fast), and it is difficult to move the mouse slowly enough to focus on and press the right buttons in the cockpit. Is it possible to use a combination of keyboard and mouse in some way or maybe just slow down the mouse? I could imagine something like changing the view using keyboard (or maybe buttons on the yoke) and then (view the view fixed) press buttons using the mouse. Is something like that possible? Thanks, Michael Knudsen
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