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  1. Any update on when we might see the MU-2 fixes? Love flying the aircraft but the problems it has with the MFD push button in the G500 suite really limits things. :-)
  2. No problem, and thanks for the update! Bill
  3. I guess I'm a bit confused...is the MFD push button fixed already or is it upcoming in the next version? Right now I have the latest version and the MFD pushbutton still does not work.
  4. Thanks! I'll give it a shot on the next flight. The STAR I found this on was the WIPOR3 into KPVD. It says to expect to cross at or below FL210 20NM Northwest of the NELIE Intersection. I know that's not an exact altitude restriction but I've seen it done on YouTube with a real pilot and was wondering if it was possible on this aircraft. Thanks again!
  5. Often times on STAR approach plates you will see an altitude restriction that is a certain number of miles from an actual fix. (ie 20 NM before a fix on the STAR). Is it possible to program this kind of restriction into the FMS for the CL650? Bill
  6. I wonder if it has to do with Navigraph Simlink...I just updated that last night.
  7. Same problem on my end except it was a flight from KDAB to KMYR Log file attached. Log.txt
  8. wgreen

    PFD Question

    Love this aircraft!! Was wondering what the white number that is next to the Green ALTS indication is on the PFD? It flashes on and off every so often. Couldn;t find anything in the manual about it. Bill
  9. Never mind, I found it in the plugins menu...I was looking for it in the X-Plane Graphics setttings. LOL!!
  10. Where do you find the glass and reflection setting? I've looked in all the menus and have come up with nothing for this.
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