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Everything posted by deniasol

  1. deniasol

    JRollon Releases BAe Jetstream 32

    Thanks guys, wonderful and unexpected surprise. Happy holidays to you all and don't forget the twotter ;-)
  2. Hi all, I think X-Plane definitely needs a C-46. Any developer out there willing to make one?
  3. *very* interested in this one
  4. That's excellent news! Can't wait to get my hands on this file which promises to be one of the most exciting releases ever.
  5. Lot's of DC3's are/were operated there. Also C-46's, DC4's, DC6's.
  6. Two things to add to my wishlist for future updates: a) the engine cowl flaps work in a cold & dark environment without engines running (they shouldn't as they are hydraulically operated) same applies to the autopilot. Turn on the batteries and the inverter and it will work even though there is zero suction. Maybe more to follow but all well-meant :-)
  7. Thanks Goran. It's big enough not to be overlooked. I just assumed there was none ;-)
  8. Still beats me why the avionics switch on my Warthog turns on the autopilot. It's a simple avionics on-off toggle switch....
  9. That's fair enough, Cameron. I know that it cannot be done with PlaneMaker but I promise not to mess with your plane.
  10. I have just found out what causes my flight controls to cease working: it's the dedicated avionics master switch on my Hotas Warthog throttle unit. As soon as I flip that switch, the flight controls will quit working because it also turns the auto pilot on and that deactivates the flight controls. I wonder why the DC3 panel does not have an avionics button. I'm thinking about adding one myself or will that void the support of the plane?
  11. The checklist says not to exceed 700 rpm during engine warm-up until the oil pressure reaches 40psi. Unfortunately the checklist is not very specific in that it does not take into account field elevation or outside air temperature. Try to reach 40psi oil pressure at an elevation of 13.300 ft. (La Paz) and you will see that it will take 1000 rpm to reach that pressure. At 700 rpm you will get 30psi at best.
  12. Hi, it has happened several times now that the flight controls won't work when I check them. When I reload the plane they will work again. No idea why this is happening.... Very annoying indeed. It usually happens when all preflight checks have been performed and when I'm ready to taxi :-(
  13. Goran: thank you for your quick reply. At 13300 ft airport elevation a plane eats up the runway pretty fast and when all your concentration is on the airspeed indicator I may have neglected engine parameters for a second. I'll try to reproduce the situation and I'll upload a screenshot next time this happens. Regards, Enzio
  14. Hi, I'm new to the DC3 so the answer to my problem may very well be buried somewhere in the manual. I'm trying out the DC3 at El Alto airport in La Paz to test the limits of this old lady. Three times after take-off, I've got a red warning message on the bottom of the screen which says something to the effect that the engines are about to fail and that I needed to reduce power immediately. I was flying well within limits and neither exceeded the CHT nor the oil temperature. Any idea why this is happening? Many thanks. Enzio
  15. My only wish would be to improve the look of the cockpit windows. Those rivets stick out like a sore thumb.....
  16. There is a video on YouTube showing a short-field landing of a DC3 by an experienced pilot. According to the comments, the pilot sort of slammed the plane onto the runway with a nose down attitude to land on the main wheels and then applied full brakes to stop within 300m of touch down. And the plane did not flip over. This was contrary to all my theories about landing a tail-dragger.
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