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Orlando Cuesta

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Everything posted by Orlando Cuesta

  1. Hello. Please I NEED your help. Why do the screens appear excessively bright? Annex image of how the screens look.
  2. I had the pay version and in Xplane 12 when connect the Battery and APU all screens are black with noting information in the displays and the Pop Up screens vannised.
  3. Coincido totalmente ...
  4. Es correcto. Mejor imposible darse cuenta de lo Obvio. Pues aun que sea un mínimo detalle o no sea de importancia para quienes lo diseñaron. Es HACERBIEN LAS COSAS DESDE UN PRINCIPIO. Y no estar negando lo OBVIO. Pues si. Pero por el valor del addon ese DETALLE de la Flexión de las Alas es algo a estas alturas del diseño de aviónes para simulador algo BASICO. Lo que no es Realista es MENOSPRECIAR lo OBVIO y negar las quejas de los clientes de HoTStart. No son divinidades y claro que tienen sus errores. Y por OBLIGACION les guste o NO lo deben de hacer. ASI DE SIMPLE. USTED NO SE PREOCUPE POR NUESTRA IMAGINACION. DEBE CORREGIR ESTE ERROR . ES SU OBLIGACION.
  5. Don't congratulate yourself, Cameron. And Goran_M I completely agree with you. Currently its TBM product is the most realistic in the world of simulation. But as always happens when something is so good, it is the details that make the difference in the end. This problem is a very important detail. Don't let the details stop your project. Laminar Research has also had its share of obstacles over time in refining a tremendously powerful simulator. And they are on the right track but they still have a lot to do. The next update has many expectations on my part but I think others as well. We'll see.
  6. Goran_M : I agree with you. But also for us, your clients, it is also legitimate to ask that something that is not right or does not work properly be solved. I gave you examples of other products that I have and am using with the same version of Xplane 11 Vulkan / Metal version 11.50 b17 that do not have this problem. So I don't know how you want your clients to ask you to fix something when it doesn't work properly. Or you just don't want your customers to tell you nothing about your product.
  7. Cameron: ¨ Vertices count, texture sizes, programming, etc all contribute to resource use. Comparing products as an explanation of your performance is absolutely useless from a support standpoint ¨ ...... Maybe you are right up to a point but from the point of view of us your customers it is important because we, unlike you, are not programmers and the only way we have to evaluate a product is by using it and seeing how it performs on our systems. I know there are many variables to consider but in my case unfortunately it is my word against yours. I have not changed any variable on my computer in hardware or in the parameters within the simulator, for that reason it was very evident that "something" changed after the update.
  8. Hello Coop : I am not a programmer but my suspicions are among the modifications that you made in update 1.0.1 it is perhaps those that you made in the panel: [SR22-365] - G1000 Pixel Effect Visibility is probably the cause of the drop of frames that I am experiencing . Also and I had not mentioned another problem that occurred is that the letters of the console became more blurred and it is difficult to read the indications for example in the area of the speeds that are on the left side of the instrument panel. Also the letters of the buttons of the panel of Batteries, Alternators, Lights and Anti-ice System the letters are also more blurred. The parameters within the simulator in all the graphical and climatological items are the same that I am using in version 1.0.0 and now in version 1.0.1
  9. Hello Please fix the issue of not detecting ILS as Rob Laird and Krishnaae exposes it. This situation is very frustrating. Hopefully, you don't continue to justify this problem by using Xplane 11 and Vulkan / Metal version 11.50 b17. Because other products like TorqueSim's SR22 works perfectly at detecting ILS in Xplane 11 Vulkan / Metal version 11.50 b17. Thanks for your support
  10. Cameron : Well I do not know if Simbabeat already bought it or not, but I did buy the SR22 and I have experienced a decrease in frames after the 1.0.1 update. Please review that situation and fix it. Thanks for your support
  11. Hello Simbabeat is right. After update 1.0.1 also I have experienced a drop in Frames. Could you review and correct it?
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