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  1. I guess my windows version is now old. Thank you much both. (Pils and Coop). I re-installed the SR22 and problem solved.
  2. Ok thank you very much. I will do that .
  3. I am having the same problem. X plane 12 crashing after SR22 latest update with the error message from the log saying "--=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: X-Aviation Activation}==-- Log file attached Log.txt
  4. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my concern. I do understand the purpose of the fans and that it does run continuously but at a low speed and quietly. I guess I didn't make my concern clear enough. It just seemed odd to me with the SR22s the loud and continuous fan was making me concerned. Anyway I used a software to see what is happening. The SR22s use a lot of resources and the temperature passes 75 degrees Celsius increasing the fan speed. My other planes such as Hot Start TBM never gets past 62 degrees Celsius even with SOCAL ORBX running (outside ORBX area 57 degrees Celsius), which I might add is unthinkable with TorqueSim SR22s. Once again thank you Cameron. I do appreciate it. TorqueSim SR22s will be stored away until I upgrade my PC sometime in the future. I don't like noisy computer.
  5. My PC is not a beefy one (GTX 1660ti, i5 9600k, 16gig memory). With both the Integra and G1000 SR22s my PC fan is continuously running to the point I am so worried, I don't fly these planes more than half an hour. This doesn't happen with any of the other planes I have (TBM by Hotstart, IXEG737, AFL Kingair350 and C172 to name a few of the ones I have). Is there a reason why this is so? I appreciate your input.
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