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  1. Hello everyone, Got back into xplane 12 after been out for a while, I have both the HC bravo and alpha, where can I get the commands to setup both devices? I want to take the most advantage of both controllers but I cannot find the proper commands for the IXEG 737, thanks in advance for any help!
  2. any updates on the license, gizmo or whatever issue? is been 5 days now, I understand we all take weekends off when possible but was expecting something by today, also the ticket hasnt been answered...
  3. @FlyerC3 thanks also but didnt work for me
  4. @Cameron thanks for the clarification, im not just creating the issue, im part of the few with that issue. Please keep us posted with any updates. Really want to use the aircraft.
  5. So how im supposed to activate the gizmo, the aircraft is activated far as I know. So this is a second procedure to make the plane work? Please explain @sasha
  6. no power, no sound, plane showing but dead, installed 3 times same thing, gizmo thing says something failed when my info is accurate, I got the aircraft maybe 5 mins after release but now no help cool....
  7. soooooooooooo any update on the license issue? 3 days now with the plane and not able to fly it.... no answer on the ticket either, I supported ixeg back in 2021 but now im a little disappointed, not good....
  8. Yes thats what showing
  9. I also submitted a ticket but no answer yet
  10. Yes @Litjan everything is on the same sound device also I dont have power, i choose ground power but nothing shows on the overhead, basically the plane is there but dead. Also no failures. All my other aircraft’s work fine, and i can also hear my ai planes landing and taking off but not the ixeg 737. Please help, my gizmo settings say something failed but no idea what that means
  11. @waldorf yes same here, can u please share if they answer u? I did also sent them a message but just in case, thanks
  12. My plane wont have any sounds or power, I tested other planes after installing the ixeg 3 times and they all have normal sounds, whats the problem? I noticed when I have the ixeg 737 active my xplane sound settings are turned off, external / internal and environment are off, when I switch to another plane then they all have normal sounds, can anyone please help? also i selected ground power on the menu and is not on the overhead available, again 3 times installed and same thing...
  13. 3 times installed and no sounds, not good.... was waiting all week for this plane.... FYI my sim traffic has sounds as normal no issues there, I can hear everything outside of the aircraft so something is wrong with the aircraft not the sim
  14. Installed but no sounds??? in and back into the sim and same thing, any ideas?
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