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  1. Great videos series, as usual from Graeme
  2. No, this is not related to the chocks. I don't have any experience developing aircraft for XP so I suppose XP just provides de input 'Hold brakes regular' for the dev to implement and if it's not implemented it defaults to parking brake. To reproduce this, map any key to 'hold brakes regular' and try braking with it, it'll just pull the parking brake when you press it and release it when you let go. So it's basically like braking with the parking brake which is not ideal for us non-pedal users
  3. "Hold brakes regular", which is the option intended for people without a smooth axis for brakes, is mapped to parking brake which makes braking extremely abrupt. Please consider fixing this! Thanks
  4. While we are at it I wanted to ask if the fuel gauges should work with battery off too!
  5. Did you try pressing the range knob? That's used to switch between center on aircraft and free look
  6. Headset off. You're welcome, keep up the good work!
  7. Hello, after a bunch of flights in the latest release, here's a couple of suggestions for improving this aircraft 1. Save the baro setting hPa/inHg and have it affect both altimeters, not just the pilot side. The font when in hPa is a bit too dark and it's pretty hard to read unless you zoom way in 2. Turn up the engine volumes? The sounds are fantastic but I find that I have to turn the volume up by 25-50% compared to all other aircraft in my hangar 3. The AP disconnect button could use some love, both the texture and some sort of animation+sound on press 4. In the aircraft window.. change the comic sans font and show the fuel per tank/total, else the sliders are not very useful for payload setup. I end up using XP's built-in thingy for fuel configuration. Same with pax and cargo! 5. Some textures in the cockpit need to be higher res cause the contraste with the rest of the cockpit is very jarring. For example the dimpling on the instruments or on the top panel, temp control. Pedals too. The AP buttons need some work. The button press sounds are a bit too low too! And the font needs some antialiasing or higher res 6. Is it possible to reduce the elec trim speed a tad? Found it pretty hard to trim the aircraft in pitch 7. The ADF volume knob doesn't seem to do anything Really liking the latest update, hope there's more
  8. If you don't have that option, then you're running on OpenGL and you're not on the 11.50 betas
  9. The prop and mixture increase/decrease commands work for me as follows: - Prop control: feather high idle <-> flight idle - Mixture control: cut off <-> feather low idle <-> feather high idle
  10. It's a single prop aircraft, you have to compensate for the P-factor with your rudder/aileron trims
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