Ok I'll focus on the panel lights and instrument lights knobs.
verified the persist.cfg is not read only (when I change things and it access's the file I can see the time and date match up)
next got into the sr22 and changed panel and instrument knobs to full off
verified that this showed in the persist.cfg file as all 0's
changed aircraft to c172, once loaded I went back to the sr22
took screenshot of lighting knobs back on and the config file shows they are enabled again.
verified file is not read only
Went into SR22 and set panel and inst lighting knobs to 0 and verified in the persis.cfg it shows this as well
Then loaded the c172, then went back to the SR22 and lighting knobs are back on, persist.cfg says they should be and turning on battery turns on light. Yet earlier when I turned them all off it showed that, only change was changing aircraft. Also verified I do have the setting to keep persist on.