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Everything posted by Japo32

  1. Japo32


    Some days already with the Cockpit.
  2. Ok, le acabo de escribir un email.
  3. Por cierto, hace cuando compro el avion? Porque si fue hace poco deberia tener la 1.1 directamente. Al abrir el avion, en el icono se muestra el numero de version.
  4. Se lo comunicare a Cameron
  5. It should work automatically change....
  6. Saw this one:
  7. Buenisimo LuisAngel!!! pero no se puede navegar por el modo virtual ni hacer zoom.. no?.. o tengo que instalar el quicktime....... EDITADO... NAHHHH.. CON QUICKTIME COJONUDO OIGA!!!! Genial!! MIllones de gracias!! ;D ;D
  8. very good MdMax! there are some of the back cb that are good for me!
  9. Well.. I think the next one will be the A320. I was thinking of a soaring plane to make it fast, or a turboprop... but finally because I already made the external A320.. I am constructing the cockpit of it.
  10. Ok.. seen!. That is the better I have. Will be difficult with some of them... but will try! Thanks!
  11. Have you read the tutorial? When I present each city?
  12. MdMax is for pay that document or free? because when I hit the telecharment link it ask me for a user and pass.... and because is explained in french.... PD: ahhh don't worry .... I saw the pass and login.. hehe.... mmmm But... could you please take a photo of that page... or give it to me just that page. The full documment is 100mb.. and with my internet connection right now I can't. Later I will download the full one.... but for now with the image (readable) it would be enough for me. Thanks!
  13. Hello all!! Because I need good photos for modelling a correct cockpit I would need for now something I got but very blurry. I would need a photo or some of the circuit breaker panel behind the pilots (not the above one. That one I have it ok). So if you have a good photo, please send! You know... I need that the text labels are readable so I can make the texture of it in 2D to apply it in 3D object. Thanks!
  14. when you buy it.. a Nvidia 580 will be cheaper.. and is a monster that video card that can have 3 monitors with more than 30 fps even in FSX so.. imagine what I can have with the CRJ in 3 monitors... (80fps or so). and an i7 2600K. With that machine you have a cool simulation experience.
  15. have a better computer!!! ;D well kidding.. (but not so much kidding) You told us you have the city installed also. Delete it. Just have the LEVC scenery. It will be enough for you. But you still have a low computer. Only can do to have good performance here is buying a new computer. But not only with CRJ or LEVC.. with the new incomming products for x-plane for sure. Even new xplane10.. you could still run it and have same performance as xp9, but you would need to deactivate lots of functions inside xp10.. and that wouldn't be xp10.
  16. Hello all! Recently as you maybe noticed the CRJ200 is selling in both pages. What is happening is that people that comes from the ORG Store search and ask for support in X-Aviation because has more feedback in time with the CRJ200. This cannot be. The Org People have to search support in the ORG and X-Aviation in X-Aviation. Of course everyone is free to see forums and find solutions by themselfs.. but even the plane is the same, the installers are not. So you won't find a solution for a problem in x-aviation if you come from the ORG or viceversa. Please ORG people report in ORG JROLLON PLANES support area (inside of forum) Thanks!
  17. Yes.. I would like to have Philipp making the FMC because inside vasFMC lots of things are done already. But philipp will work first in CRJ FMS, to upgrade it. Future will tell!
  18. Well.. loooooooooottt of work to do.... LOOOOOONG TIME TO WAIT.. but we are back to normal work with A320 (of course not forgetting the CRJ.. but most of the work comes in programming part in the CRJ). Building new acf.. new phisics..... testing all is ok from the work done. As I said inside the CRJ200 don't know how far this plane will "fly" but we start a slow "roll-on"
  19. yes.. our purpose is to make all the systems possible. We cannot promise anything, but we desire to do that.. and if everything goes well we will do it. First making the extra functions of the FMS. But I also would want to make a failure system with maintenance in time. Of course this would be far away in time.... but I would like to make it because that makes the plane more fun to fly it. Time will tell.
  20. they are not done with real phisics.. because there is no dataref to control the flex of the wings.. so I made a trick to make the flex.... In XP10 that is fixed.
  21. yes they are impresive.. and nice made.. BUT the 3D or graphics.. or animation is not the problem. The problem is programming all the systems.. and making good phisics. I can make a plane fully in 3D in 2-5 months depending of complexity.. trully nice done... but that is just graphics (that also are important). It has to have a soul... and that is where the systems come.. and programming is very important. But there aren't so many programmers that can share his time for free to later be paid.
  22. The technology of the real HUD inside X-Plane is already discovered how to do several time ago. First by Nills in his hurrican and later (by little time without any explanation from NILLS how to do it) in my Javelin: BUT of course we need 10 more poeple or so in a team and money to pay their salaries for 2 years to make something like the PMDG inside X-Plane. It is possible to make it and even better (because x-Plane has better flight phisics) but of course time.. money (and of course people that wouldn't be a problem to pay good money for it: PMDG 737-NGX = 70$ x many many thousands of people buying CRJ200 = 60$ x thousands of people buying (x-plane smaller market) less gainning.. and to support a full team for 2 years many money is needed.. as well to pay contract with companies of the plane.. etc etc... soooooooo YOU the people that flyes X-Plane are the CLUE to have such products inside x-plane. Number is money.. money means great products. Of course great products can come also for free.. but people needs to eat.. and usually not so much people can do great works for free... because they need lot of time.
  23. I guess.. 2.2ghz are too low for running the CRJ...
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