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Everything posted by AlyMac

  1. Really looking forward to this one. I have two already and this will complete my collection :-)
  2. Hi Cameron, What a difference a day makes ! This update of the Fmod has transformed the aeroplane - i dont use the headset however Love those brake sounds and the islander really is that loud on the ground ! - but just to keep you working - you need to add "tink - tink plink tink whack tink tink crack!" when you put the prop de-ice on in icing conditions as the ice shoots off the props scaring the sh1t out of the nervous pax mate Rudder needed a tweak in settings as I couldnt keep it straight under full power on the ground. Rotating beacon is a little weak when looking from the outside Now Im looking forward to doing a mail run from "Tingers" (Tingwall). All we need now is a talented painter to paint Oscar Papa G-BJOP at Foula - Photo credit to 'Mike Charlton's Postcard site http://www.novembertango.co.uk/MC/index2.htm - WELL WORTH A LOOK !!
  3. That sounds much better ! Keep up the good work
  4. Hi - I look forward to hearing that.
  5. Ok old bean, that explains it - sorry if I came over as being a little rude. "Tinnitus"? yes I have that little whistle in my old lugs :-) I put it down to open cockpits and motorbikes rather than the BN-2 and the Twotters !
  6. We were always flying below 3,000 so we didnt bother adjusting mixtures. MP and RPM - like you, we worked square as I remember ie 22" /2,200 rpm, 23"/2,300 rpm. It was back in 1986 and Ive lost data due to being old and crinkly :-)
  7. Thanks Coop. It was obviously "Finger trouble" - in pilot speak. I think a lot of clients - like myself will also not be used to "Slide" rocker switches, this may be worth a line in the manual.
  8. The aircraft looks superb - both inside and out, its a work of art but it still needs some polishing, The sound is not great. The Islander is a very noisy aeroplane - inside and out. The propeller tips on the 540's go very close to supersonic on high settings giving a very characteristic and distinctive whining/roar. This is a good video of HEBO outside and in. its not right mate - sorry. Way too quiet.
  9. As an ex Loganair BN-2 pilot I was so looking forward to reviewing this aircraft. Unfortunately after buying it direct yesterday - i can only conclude that it is not ready for release as it is not fit for purpose. As of today there now appears to be a manual. Yesterday had me pulling my hair out trying to get the aircraft started. The switches are not "Click" zones - rather they are "Drag" zones. They need to be dragged in the direction of travel but there is no explanation. Starting the engines I still have not worked out. Yesterday I got it to start but today - no luck. The starter switch doesnt seem to function. It requires CTRL + 1 or 2 to turn the prop but I cant get it to start. Again no help in the manual. Yesterday when i got it to start I took off to fly around. Once into the cruise I trimmed for level flight and thought to take a look at the outside of the model to take some exterior shots to start my review. There was the aircraft with pitot cover, engine blanks and two traffic cones. No explanation how to get them off - theyre there, full time. I thought "Ok - you must click them off on a walk around like the real thing!". No- they dont - and no explanation in the manual how to remove them. Very frustrating but I'll give you a chance to get it right...... :-(
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