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  1. Hello all, I used to have the Level2-Fail error which I could solve some weeks ago. So after a while I wanted to fly the IXEG again and it asked me for a reactivation which worked. Since then I have the same problem again (Level2-Fail) but now also the installer 1.5.1 start anymore. Does anyone know where the problem is? My antivirus is off course deactivated... Kind regards Alex EDIT: I have solved this, so it can be closed.
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  2. I can't turn the wiper switch on so I tried to use the hotkeys instead but I get the error in this image. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
  3. Do the old liveries (for the IXEG 737 XP11 version) also work on the XP12 IXEG 737 Classic Plus?
  4. Thanks, thats all I need to know
  5. Hello, I'm currently landing at LGAL with a VOR approach. I have turned on VOR/ADF on the map/EFIS and now I suddenly have these vectors on my ND. I have never noticed them before, does anyone know what purpose they have? After flying around a bit it appears that if V1 and V2 are at 90° I'm aligned correctly, but for what is then A2 good? Kind regards Alex
  6. Just asking out of curiosity, do doors in X-Plane require any special development than other things or components in X-Plane? I have seen the door "issue" on many good addons.
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