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Kyle Sanders

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Kyle Sanders last won the day on April 12 2012

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About Kyle Sanders

  • Birthday 04/04/1989

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    Lakeland, Florida

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  1. I updated my windows computer to the new "Creators" update and then updated XP to 11.02. Since doing so, I had to input my XA creds at startup, restarted and now every time I restart, it says that my XA License has been updated. Everything works... it is just a little weird to have that say it every time. Log attached just in case I have something configured weird to have it come up each time. Log.txt
  2. Going live now. Interviewing John Spahn and Frank Kane of Maxx-Xp. Register a free Twitch account now so that you can come ask questions in the live chat! https://www.twitch.tv/kyle_sanders
  3. Showtime is approaching! Tomorrow is the live interview! Ensure you have your Free Twitch account set up so that you can ask your questions in the chat, live!
  4. Sorry to hear you can't make it to this live interview. You unfortunately loose the opportunity to ask questions live yourself but this video will be archived for later viewing a few min after the broadcast is over. At first, you will be able to find it on the twitch channel www.twitch.tv/kyle_sanders --in there is a section for videos, highlights or "past broadcasts". Just click on one of them to find the archived video. We also plan to export it to YouTube. I suggest you following the Kyle Sanders (KS Aviation) twitch channel and also the Facebook page to keep up to date with new info. www.facebook.com/KyleSandersAviation/
  5. CLICK HERE to see video ad --- ‪KS Aviation Twitch Stream --- Join KS Aviation 4FEB2017 at 1900z (2pm Eastern) for a live interview with John Spahn (Maxx-Xp) as he speaks to the community for the first time about his work with SkyMaxxPro, the history of the product and what it is today. He will also be clearing up some misunderstandings about SMP version 4 and will be showing us how to optimize it for your system. We will be taking questions throughout the stream, so be sure to create a free Twitch account so that you may interact in the chat and ask questions! We look forward to seeing you there!
  6. Hello, I am completely open to the fact that this may be XP related rather than SMP, but I just noticed it as I was testing the newly purchased V3. Regardless, I would be thankful for some help getting this sorted out. 1) I don't have a picture for this but I remember about a month or so ago, there was someone that posted a video concerning how fog and other clouds disappear as you climb higher... They disappear from below you and when you climb higher, now you have a box of clouds drawn rather than it extending to the horizon. 2) "No raing or weather #" images attached show extreme weather set but no evidence of it. (I know-misspelled raining). I have lightening and the sound but that is it. 3) "MVFR BKN 2100FT" image shows a BKN layer at 2,100agl and MVFR weather settings but not exactly what you would expect to see with a BKN layer that low to the ground an MVFR conditions. I see the SKY in the distance lol
  7. Thanks! Some have said that and some have said even after removing the 38 update that it is better but unstable FPS.
  8. Curious if anyone here can help contribute to what exactly the problem is. Many are saying that it is a conflict with the Windows 10 Anniversary Update and Open GL. I contacted laminar and they aren't taking me seriously, they are acting like I'm a new x-plane user and are trying to walking me though lowering my settings to get better FPS. They don't realize (and won't seem to "hear" me) that I have already had this working great until the Windows update. http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-update/kb3176936-problem-with-gameplay-x-plane/c98f1bc4-61f4-4c73-bd47-e129953eb4c7 Some say they don't have issues until the graphics become a bit heavier of a load and others say there is no problem. It seems to be split 50/50. Some have uninstalled the past couple windows updates and say it works better but still getting unstable FPS afterwards (58FPS and then drop down to about 19 back and forth).
  9. 1) thanks for the fast response 2) so it's only with OVC? So SCT and others shouldn't have that issue? (No time to test right now) 3) I plan to go to v3 as soon as $$ allows but will be a long while. Was hoping there was a fix for this within v2.
  10. My sim stutters for a VERY SMALL SPLIT second just barely noticeable every 5 seconds. Did some testing... doesnt matter what aircraft it is... but when clouds come up (at least OVC so far), it starts doing that. more testing- only does it do this for SMP 2.1.1 (no $$ for v3)- I disabled SMP and put default clouds on at 100% in rendering settings and now smooth. I will post my rendering settings... Yes- my settings are kinda extreme but my FPS stay above 45. Why would it stutter if my FPS are good? this guy has the EXACT same problem as me... High FPS, stutters EXACTLY every 5 seconds and has tried all that I have with no resolve. http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/7976-stutter-every-5-second/ Log.txt
  11. Thanks! He did and he says that I need to update my OS to at least 10.10. I'm going to 10.11 now.
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