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About Rexxxy77

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. So nose wheels "peek-a-booing" and flap speeds reference card not fixed (or flaps still breaking at incorrect speeds)? Sorry to be negative. On a positive I adjusted a few settings in SkyMaxxxxxxxPro and fps do indeed seem a bit better with the SAAB.
  2. Nose wheels still poke through the nose landing gear doors, I also don't see much improvement on framerate, maybe I installed it wrong (I just used the installer same as all updates from XA, says 1.1 when selecting the acf in X-Plane). Is the installer a full install or just a patch? If full installer I may uninstall what I have now and do a fresh 1.1 installation.
  3. I use Naviator on my Nexus7 for GPS/map following.
  4. FYI I have not had any other issues, must have been a glitch
  5. My nipples explode with delight!
  6. When in doubt re-start X-plane, so far so good. Still concerning though. Any thoughts guys?
  7. CRAP, the SAAB won't start either, engine will only go to 20% 32 degrees temp (yes condition levers are in start position)
  8. Hmmm the plot thickens, some of my other aircraft in my hangar won't start either. Grumman Goose won't start, LES Duchess won't start. Diamond DA-42 will start but no animation of right propeller???? All my default aircraft start, so too with the Carenado's. I will admit I installed a few updated A/C lastnight and bought a few. Is it possible there is some odd conflict? I updated the LES DC3 and the Grumman Goose package from the org. Bought the Seamax from X-Aviation (which still works fine) Bought the JarDesign A320 Neo V2 and Diamond DA42 both of hich worked fine lastnight, DA42 has issue toight as mentiond above. Both LES products aren't starting, I will try the SAAB and report back.
  9. This might not be an v1.3 update issue but I thought I'd try this old beast out. Batteries on Fuel pumps on Fuel selectors are both set to main left/right Mixture full rich Prop full forward Throttle 1/3 forward left ignition off right ignition to both magnetos Press the ignition switch and hold for 20sec......nothing What all important step have I missed? Thanks in advance
  10. Awesome, thanks John. I'll check it out.
  11. Hi John, thanks for your response. What I am seeing may just be hard coded into xpx. It would appear that I can't find a clouds off in the distance, say 5nm and fly to them, through them, and then away from them. Clouds are either not drawn or drawn "everywhere" as soon as I reach them according to the weather map menu page. Adjusting the draw distance slider only affects how close to the clouds in the weather menu before they are drawn "everywhere" (in front and behind me). If this is a limitation of xpx then so be it, I guess I haven't flown Much on cloudy days Does my explanation of what I am seeing make sense? Apologies for rambling
  12. Congrats John/Cameron, another top notch piece of software This may be a limitation of XP10 but I never noticed it with the default clouds, maybe it has always been there. Clouds are not drawn at all until I am right on the edge of them (according to the weather screen in XP10). And once I reach that threshold of clouds (ironically) they are also drawn behind me. Is there an option for them to be drawn (for arguments sake) 10nm in front of me, so I know I am going to hit some cloud visually. This is pretty important for VFR. Apologies if this is already an issue with the default XP10 clouds or a limitation of XP10 Otherwise this addon rocks
  13. OK, VS wheel/switch/round thingy seems to not work as the dataref seems to be working fine with my Saitek panel. So all good, I assumed it wouldn't work just like the radios. I still reckon there is a flap issue though.
  14. Thats exactly what I'm doing, same as the radio knobs. I agree it sounds high, however thats whats written on the placard next to the flaps indicator. Flaps kias 7-15 175 20 165 35 140 I can select flaps 15 below 175kias no broken flaps, if I try and select flaps 20 at 150kias I break a flap, thats 15 kias slower than the placard speed for that flap setting, it should be fine. Under 140kias is fin for flaps 35 though. Just the flaps 20 overspeed number is either wrong or is set to break at too lower speed. Alternatively I'm doing something wrong, wouldn't be the first time
  15. Well done LES and XA. What a beautiful bird to fly. I have read other peoples issues with the SAAB 340A and most have been resolved. Please forgive me if others have reported these issues before me. Here are issues I have noticed. The first is the simplest, the nose gear showing through the nose wheel doors when closed and when lowering on the right hand side, as seen in the following 2 pics. My 2nd issue is flap overspeed. I'll be honest and I haven't read the flap settings vs kias however I have seen them in the cockpit. Flaps 20 appears to be ok under 165kias. At 150kias I select flaps 20 and I get a flap overspeed message and the plane starts banking to the left or right, obviously a broken flap due to overspeed. Lastly I too have an issue with the VS wheel. I have read that others too have had this issue of not getting it to move. I understand the manipulator tech being used and it works fine on the radios. But I have tried 100's of times to get it to move and no dice... Apart from those small issues, i'm a happy flier
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