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Everything posted by ilias.tselios

  1. Thanks a lot for you kind words! VR compatibility is something that I would like to do, but because I don't own any headset at the moment, is hard to develop. Anyway, could you list me what manipulators are missing, or any changes needed to make it VR friendly? I might try to add a few, although blindly.
  2. @tcrop If I understood correctly, you are not using the current version of the Avanti, but an old one... this one: This version is very old, last update was almost before 5 years, and probably will not work with XP11. I'm not supporting it any more. There is a new version here, for XP11: Keep in mind that, if you are running Linux, the latest version will not work either, since there is no Gizmo support for Linux.
  3. @tcrop post both Log.txt and Gizmolog.txt files. A small portion of a file, will never be enough to troubleshoot. Sent from my FIG-LX1 using Tapatalk
  4. ONLY FOR MAC OS Until this problem will be fixed, if you have Gizmo installed, download the plane and test it from here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wfi4hiyjh79sjq9/P180_Avanti_II.zip?dl=0 Soon will be a fix and an update too.
  5. Yes. There was an incompatibility with previous 11.20xx version. If you now are at the latest (11.20b2, as of today), everything works fine now.
  6. The aircraft is fully compatible with the latest X-Plane version, 11.20b2.
  7. The aircraft is fully compatible with the latest X-Plane version, 11.20b2.
  8. Should be fixed in the next couple days. Please try again.
  9. Do you have Gizmo installed from another XA addon?
  10. At this time, X-Plane's rendering pipeline does not allow to change ground textures dynamically. Saying that, addons might be able to do that via shaders, and also Laminar have some plans for the future, but will happen after the transition to Vulcan/Metal API.
  11. VNAV system for now is what X-Plane is giving by default. I'm 99% sure that X-Plane uses vertical speed dial to control the rate of descend, when in VNAV mode. Through FMOD, a click sound it is attached to the VS wheel, so that might be the source of the sound. I had no such experience so far, and currently I'm "travelling" the world with Avanti with IVAO IFR World Tour, to find out any problems that need fixing. But, there are a few loose threads around that need fixing. I have in mind a couple of situations that the AP modes annunciator are not correct. Also the symbology between flying a RNAV approach and an ILS approach are the same now (wrong), and will be differentiated in the next update(s). Have you seen that?
  12. Select the altitude you want to descend to. Use FLC, or VS or Pitch (avoid to use VNAV cause currently is not working right). Decrease the power to start descending. On the MFD there is a Altitude Intercept Arc, to help you where you are going to intercept the target altitude, given the current vertical speed.
  13. Propellers' modelling is currently off, and expect Austin to finalize the simulation, to jump in and fix it. Prop sync or synchropahser in Avanti is a "meet-in-the-middle" system, meaning the slows the faster prop and speeds up the slower one to meet somewhere in the middle.
  14. If this is a problem, then the description is too vague to help you. Post your machine specs, settings, when this is happening, etc. In comparison, runs a bit better than Laminar's 738 with Zibo mod.
  15. There is a Mac OS installation bug. Cameron is looking at it and will be fixed as soon as possible.
  16. The problems with liveries are that, first main focus is, in my limited time, aircraft systems simulation, then build a new 3D object with new texture mapping, and second there was not a paintkit to start from, and the existed livery was "heavily painted" with a lot of "effects", so is very hard to be used to build new liveries. Given that, I started slowly building a new paintkit, while keeping the same texture map layout. It will be much more clean, to allow painters to add their own grunge. The aircraft is back in the factory (literally the image is from Villanova D'Albegna airport, Piaggio's base) and the primer paint for the fuselage is already on!
  17. You should just run the installer from the download section. Problem noted, will try to fix it as soon as possible.
  18. I have made a painkit available, if anyone wants to do extra liveries. I have no time to tackle that myself, moreover when I'm planning, sometime in the future, to do a completely new external 3D model. Anyway, if you have a specific plane in mind, post it here and I'll see what I can do. If you only want the Reg No to be changed, tell me what you want and I will change it. That's easy. The glass is there, not so obvious though. From some angles you can see it, but needs some love in the next (2.1.1) update.
  19. You mean to close the popup window, not the Gizmo plugin, right? Re SASL: I'm using Gizmo in my payware projects (aka DC9), so when I have some to spend to do some stuff for Avanti, it is logical that I will go with what I'm using on a daily basis. After all it is proven that Gizmo is very powerful, with 2 of the best aircraft simulations, run on Gizmo (IXEG 733 and LES Saab 340A). And since I want that horsepower available to me, for things that will come, even for the free Avanti, I ask from you, that for now, accept the small annoyance to have to close that popup window. Regards
  20. This project is at full... throttles!
  21. Start looking here: https://marginal.org.uk/x-planescenery/plugins.html for SeaTraffic.
  22. I agree, though the Avanti I is quite similar as flight machine with Avanti II, but the cockpit differences are substantial to differentiate the operations quite a bit.
  23. The best available info you can find in the net (and I have searched A LOT!) is this: http://www.smartcockpit.com/plane/PIAGGIO/AVANTI.html
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