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ilias.tselios last won the day on February 14

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About ilias.tselios

  • Birthday 09/12/1971

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    Developing for X-Plane (...is that really an interest ???)

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  1. https://airfightergr.github.io/les_dc3_docs/commands/#pitch-trim
  2. First of all, Avanti is only compatible with XP11. Won't work in XP12. And yes you need to own an X-Aviation product to be able to run her, in XP11.
  3. I found the issue. G500 plugin has changed the signature (each plugin has one), so it cannot been found and that's why you see the above. I might release an update in the next weeks fixing this and a few other things. For now, download the linked image below, and drop it into LES C23 Sundowner/cockpit_3d/generic folder to overwrite the old image. It is an empty image. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yv88qjhc04tjpuvlutbsa/RSG500-1.png?rlkey=6uknf81e1o50ywo6tuvkye5n2&st=j162n420&dl=1
  4. March '23 or '25? I haven't try it myself yet. Please post your Log.txt.
  5. I couldn't start working before 12.1 went final. Beyond this, 1 person, me, working on 2 aircraft support and 2 aircraft under development. Moreover, I'm slowly moving the code from Lua to Cpp, which I'm learning as I'm doing things. Mostly, the update is almost done, needs final touches to be ready.
  6. Good! Cause I'm thinking to add support for their 650 for both C23 and DC3.
  7. I found in their documentation that the must have own log files stored in the Windows Documents folder.
  8. If happened at 134 kts, either the flaps were not 100% fully retracted, or some random x-plane failure kicked in. If you look the flaps limits placard, there are values for each flap position (per 1/4). Those limits are for flaps being stationary. Also the bottom line says "EXTENSION 97kts", which means that you should not try to extend at all, even a tiny bit, if you speed is much higher than 97 kts. All limits have some leeway though. You might extend the flaps at, for example, at 102kts and nothing will happen, but do not push your luck too much. At the end, we left the option to be able to reset the failure, not to make you flight more challenging than anticipated.
  9. You may try to toggle reflections to low, to make instruments more readable. https://airfightergr.github.io/les_c23_docs/gui/. It is very well known across X-Plane's community that, currently, there is an issue with X-Plane's dark cockpits. Also it is very well known that Laminar is working to fix this, hopefully in the next update.
  10. Please provide detailed feedback to be able to help you.
  11. After installing the DC3, run X-Plane but load one of the default aircraft, like the Cessna C172. You must get a window to enter your X-Aviation login details. This will activate the DC3. The load the DC3 and should work. You Log file shows that has not been activated. 0:00:56.104 G64: debug: GK: Load license from disk.. 0:00:56.104 G64: debug: GK: 404: license database 0:00:56.104 G64: debug: GK: Empty license file. Defaulting to login page. 0:00:57.097 G64: debug: No license for: (Leading Edge Simulations)(Douglas DC-3 v2 Published by X-Aviation) 0:02:44.229 G64: debug: GK: Requesting license update.. 0:02:44.229 G64: debug: GK: update_license() 0:02:44.229 G64: debug: GK: No valid auth token, manual login required. Currently there is a bug in DC3 that crashes if you load the aircraft when has not been activated. Fixed for the next update.
  12. Seems that DC3 has not been activated. Load a default aircraft and should get a window to enter your X-Aviation account login details. After the account is activated, load DC3 and should work.
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