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Everything posted by edwin

  1. Thanks--Not like Carenado--Wonder if theres a brake on the real Plane or whether you stick your feet out like we did on our 1960 Go-Karts??
  2. She's a beaute but I cannot find any sign of a handbrake or brake warning light--hate having to guess whether its on or off--You Guys know if there's one?
  3. She's out,she's Carenado'she's pure class & she flies like a dream
  4. Nice one Guys---downloading now--Cheers
  5. Agree--Can get the warm up down a lot from that but it's the challenge 'with' the plugin that facinates me about this plane. Got a Hanger full of planes that can be flown by a 'Blind Man's Dog' Cheers ryancz
  6. This little Beaute is from T50's link. For freeware she's quite spectacular inside & out--but you have to follow all the rules to fly her even 20 mile and land her!!!!!! If anyone tries or has tried her let me know Please Cheers
  7. Shame Cameron-- sadly not everyone looks into/sorts issues as you & yours. Alabeo clearly state that there might be issues in their Sales Gumph & may sort it one day. That lovely Anton An-2 however is a quite a spectacular 'Freeware number' and the files are offerred//open to developement. Your CRJ-200 offers a great startup sequence which took me time to get used to & I love-- The An_2 is like a Finicky Old Lady in comparison but I feel elated if I can keep concentrated enough to keep her airbourne for a complete flight--she's a challenge even in v9. Thanks for the info--Edwin
  8. Really tasty well composed and rich shots--well done & welcome. Certainly look forward to seeing more.
  9. I realise that most FS Aircraft suppliers upgrade their aircraft when theres a big transition as occurred with the V9 to v10 Editions once the Edition has stabilised. However some do not but we are encouraged to sort out things like Airfoils on our own systems ourselves. I've come across a couple of Aircraft for instance the Alabeo Pitts and Sukhoi 'payware' & a very 'finicky' to fly properly (but a really beautful Aircraft in all respects) the freeware 'Antons AN_2' which have a related problem of power loss when flown in v10. They fly without a hitch in v9 for which they were intended and apart from the crucial power issue in v10 too. Am I correct in assuming that like the 'Airfoil' business this is a universal problem with the affected aircraft and might there be a general 'Airfoil' (albeit 'power' in this case) type fix we can manipulate ourselves? Cheers
  10. Well you Guys certainly can't be accused of 'wasting time'--Well done & Cheers
  11. What a crying shame. Cheers Kaphias
  12. Yes Kaphias it certainly does protrude as in your shots. But wouldn't the Floats do the same. Do you have a plan view? Zachs image just seems so much finer all round. Great puzzle! Yeah it';s got to be!
  13. Cannot find an image of a Grunman so far where the Cockpit Windshield protrudes the Engines
  14. That will be in my Hanger before it's wheels touch the ground
  15. Well the wheels out of the Tarmac but the Joystick response or Aircraft handling from 95-90 Knots downwards is awful??
  16. Thanks Cameron--Rapid response as usual & appreciated. And the Strange flying --it's as though one had lost an aerofoil by applying Flaps at to high a speed with everything switched on in 'Operations & Warnings'--I'll redownload and install and see for myself first. thanks again Cameron
  17. Is anyone finding any 'Peculiarities' when flying this upgrade? I find her handling badly at approach speeds--really sloppy--almost unflyable. I have been switching between her and the original which does not exhibit the same problem?? Want to know if it's me & my download or a shared problem. (Using v10)-- Cheers Edit note. Checked the two externally several times on the same Airfield. v1.2 has her rightwheel permanantly sunk in the tarmac too. Flown the two again after a restart --definite problem with the update v1.2--v1.1 flies fine.
  18. Nice shots Max. Are you finding any Oddities when flying this upgrade? I find her handling badly at approach speeds--really sloppy. I have been switching between her and the original which does not exhibit the same problem?? Cheers Max
  19. First attempt at Carrier landings. Fun--not easy--& shame about the 'Bob the Builder' look alike crew on the carrier--spoilt a lot of what could otherwise have been usable Screenshots
  20. Beautifully clear shots Michael--and the Liverie's would be perfect for our present Government!!!
  21. Thanks T50. Wouldn't exactly describe the Panel as nice but she looks fine from the outside, flies well, handles water 100% better than the payware Seamax (Which has the same attitude to water as a Cat ) & she will definitely stay in my hanger. Thanks Pal Got to add I,ve spent quite a bit of time in her since posting and she's a lovely little Plane to fly---- Cheers
  22. Lovely shot--lovely looking plane T50--Who turns it out ?
  23. Bought it too Phantom--Theyre well tasty--Maybe we should push the Makers. Lovely to fly in v9 --but who wants to go back to v9 when I'm lovin' v10 ?
  24. Yes most definitely Phantom especially when one considers its one of the Red Bull Acrobatic aircraft. By adjusting the Mixture & Prop I can get better but that’s not theway or the solution--it has not been designed/modified for v10. It flies as I think it was intended to in v9 seeing 0mph-300 after the wheels have left the ground on take-off. In v10 it is difficult to get it over 150mph in a dive. Shame because its very well turned out inside & out--Below is from the readme in the planes documents--but like some 'Dolly Birds'--totally useless but nice to photograph..... Although this plane will work in X-Plane V10, it is not optimized for X-Plane 10, nor does it make full use of XPlane10's new features. However, great care has been taken to make this plane as compatible as possible with X-Plane v10, so that it will look correct in a wide variety of settings available in X-Plane 10. Once X-Plane 10's visualparameters have reached a point that can be considered "stable", Alabeo will work towards bringing this plane and otherpreviously published planes in line with X-Plane 10's feature set Cheers
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