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Everything posted by BadPilotAmmoneon

  1. Brilliant - this did the trick! Nice catch, thank you so much Goran. Very much appreciated
  2. Dear Goran, did you have the opportunity to check on this issue? Anything I can do to support resolving this? Thanks a lot for your efforts, best, BadPilotAmmoneon
  3. Thank you Goran! I can provide you with my NML files for testing, just drop me a message if you like. Looking forward to hearing / reading from you
  4. Dear Hot Start Team, I am currently in the process of creating a full chrome livery for the TBM 900 (inspired by Delta_Who's work over at ThresholdX forum). What I did not like about his original livery is that the wings are just white, but do not feature the metal/chrome look of the fuselage. i tried to change that by splitting the NML files for the wings into its components, changing the blue channel to all-white on the respective parts and reassembling the result. This worked perfectly well for the left wing. However, for the right wing, I can see that the alpha channel is respected because certain parts acquire the desired matte finish. The blue channel of the right wing, however, does not seem to be taken into account - all I can see is still the white base color of the livery file. I cannot get the chrome to work at all. Is this a known issue? If not, I am happy to provide you with sample files to test the behaviour. I will attach some screen shots in a minute to show you what I mean exactly (seems a bit cryptical even to me reading it now ) All the best, BadPilotAmmoneon Edit: Attached some screenshots: First one shows the right wing with my modified NML file. As you can see, it is still white instead of chrome. Second one shows the left wing which looks as desired (chrome look despite of white base color). Third one shows right wing again, this time with the NML file of the left wing (which works on the left wing, see pic 2). Still no chrome, but matte parts where I edited the alpha channel (red circles and arrows).
  5. I cannot comment on the autorouter issue that you reported since I have not tried out this feature yet, but concerning the ADF issue, I mentioned this to Saso over at Discord and he confirmed that this is a known problem. There seems to be a problem with relative vs. absolute bearings, but has been confirmed to get fixed with the next release.
  6. Good news everyone, seems like Microsoft finally came around fixing the issue. The Linux installer is no longer recognized as being a threat by Windows Defender (at least on my machine). Yay!
  7. For everyone who still has issues to download the installer due to the false-positive trojan detection by Windows Defender: I posted on page 1 of this thread that I had sent the Linux installer file to Microsoft for analysis (you can find the details here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/submission/8dd5ba7e-cec2-4338-89ac-7be41b05d514). The analyst comments stated that they removed the detection and that it should be fine to download after updating the definition files as outlined on the website linked above. Thing is, since several people were reporting issues with the download after the analysis by Microsoft was finished, I suppose that something went wrong on their end and that the file is still throwing a false-positive. Unfortunately, I am and will be away from my X-Plane computer for several weeks due to work, so I am unable to re-upload the Linux installer file for analysis myself. It would be helpful if someone from the community could upload the file again here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/filesubmission You do not have to sign in, but can submit the file anonymously. The more people upload the file, the early Microsoft techs will recognize that there is an issue (I guess). Maybe it is a good idea if you open a separate thread to discuss the issue, otherwise it may get lost between the postings All the best, BadPilotAmmoneon
  8. I have sent a report to Microsoft. You can view the details here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/submission/8dd5ba7e-cec2-4338-89ac-7be41b05d514
  9. We could submit the Linux installer file for analysis to Microsoft so that they can remove the warning with the next Defender update: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/filesubmission Would that be ok for you, @Cameron?
  10. Okay - thank you for your quick response, Cameron. Highly appreciate your support!
  11. I am seeing the same. I attached the security warning (sorry that it is in german).
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