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Everything posted by trisho0

  1. I was working with FMC setup after loaded IXG 737 plane and on the way, I found V2 as 437 then tried to adjust IAS from MCP and the max acceptable is 340. Am I missing something? Patricio Valdes
  2. From the Preflight menu how to change ZFW in order to see 143511 lbs? Pat
  3. So, I need to restore "Weight, Balance & Fuel" to Default first, before working with the IXEG Menu pops-up, right? If so, how to change Kg to lbs from the IXEG Menu? Pat
  4. Am I entering Payload and Fuel numbers from SimBrief info, correctly? Pat UGSBUGTB_PDF_1706664148.pdf
  5. How to enter Payload ZFW = 143511 lbs. and Block Fuel = 12284 with IXEG 737. I entered the numbers on the XP12 Payload and Fuel, but the plane didn't take-off as intended, too heavy. Am I missing something? Pat
  6. EDIT: I had to reinstall and now I only have Menu 1 pops-up. I can't bring the Menu 2. Am I missing something?
  7. That is exactly the sentence typed in Joystick settings Search line and it worked! Before I was trying to find via typing "toga", and nothing showed up. If I type "take_off_go_around" it doesn't show up neither. So, clearly the Search line is not Word app (lol). Many thanks for your help and to all from this thread. Pat
  8. From XP12 Joystick settings, I can't find the default X-Plane command "Autopilot take-off and go-around" in order to use it for IXEG 737. Pat
  9. I will give a try, thanks. Pat
  10. Try Change Sound Systems from Control Panel and select "Do Nothing" and leave unselected speaker's options, no enhancements, etc. Pat
  11. It is too far for me to reach them. I thought it is a special screw or something from the front of the MCP. Pat
  12. During Take-Off where is the TOGA to press from MCP? Pat
  13. After loaded the 737 and when I use the FMC I can't change the Flaps 5 to Flaps 10, is it a bug or how to change it? Pat
  14. Is there an update on IXEG 737 for XP12 ready? I am still with the version 1.5 with some issues mentioned in this thread topic. Pat
  15. It would be nice to add the IXEG 737 to SkunkCrafts Updater so automatically the plane can be updated online. Pat
  16. Thanks Litjan I will keep an eye on email. Pat
  17. If I reinstall the IXEG the installer will download the necessary or available updates, correct? Pat
  18. Is there an updated IXEG 737 Classic Plus installer or a patch fixing the known "bugs" posted in this thread? Or, how to tell a fix has been released? Pat
  19. I never had XPUIPC with XP11 and XP12 sims. Do we have to add it henceforce? Pat
  20. I do have Windows Defender only as AV and it is off from the entire hard disk where the XP12 lives. My comments still the same. Pat
  21. This is my first video testing the Bird in questions. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iqOyeu_tz8daCdUdGErwKuVzNnBkPZ-y/view?usp=sharing Pat
  22. After loaded this IXEG 737 I see EICAS and CDU black if I select Preferences, Startup, Ready to TAXI. Also, the sound has stutters like vacuum tube with rattle sparking sound. Will do more tests to have fun for a while (lol). I know the baby bird still fixing issues reported here. Pat
  23. Nice view, what ICAO is it? from what ICAO did you Take-Off? Pat
  24. I think it is a busy time for X-Aviation so we need to wait at least a day to get the discount code. Pat
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