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Everything posted by 0zz

  1. Nice. If that is the case you may want to switch the primary display and run Xplane fullscreen on that one. If you are using same monitors just swap them physically and rearrange desktop. If your displays are different or you don't want to move them, there is a registry trick to assign other display as primary. Simply, backup your registry and delete the two keys below. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Systems\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\Configuration HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Systems\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers\Connectivity Restart the PC after disconnecting the secondary display. The one connected will be force assigned as new number 1. Connect the secondary monitor after logging in to windows, and arrange your desktop. Now you'll be able to see the menu's and popups in your main monitor in fullscreen mode.
  2. Try running the game in windowed mode. Game tend to show menu's and popups on first monitor initially. If you use the other monitor as full screen, those elements might be out of frame. You should see those in windowed mode.
  3. I set it off with the data ref tool. Changing 'disable_shadow_prep' to 1 and 'use_cms' to 0 As an alternative, you can type the two lines below using notepad, save the text file with extension .lua and put it in Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts folder. set("sim/private/controls/caps/use_csm", 0) set("sim/private/controls/perf/disable_shadow_prep", 1)
  4. I don't think it is related with VRAM. I have dual 6GB GPUs, and having no difference between 2K and 4k textures. Enabling and disabling Virtual Cockpit shadows makes a huge difference for me. Much bigger in BN2 than any other mod. And that is with 2048 pixels shadow map. Im not sure if the VC model has too high poligon count, or a shader issue. One thing I know BN2 VC does not seem like more detailed than TBM900 or Zibo737. Systems simulation is not as detailed as those either. It does not make any sense me getting 10-15 FPS less than those mods during day time, under same graphic settings. That FPS issue, combined with badly tuned sounds, missing exterior lights and engine management having almost no effect on flight performance (manifold pressure, prop rpm, mixture settings, intake heater settings do feel off and have minimal impact) I got a feeling this release is an early beta, if not alpha of an unfinished product. To be honest, I loved the inital impressions of flying this iconic aircraft. But after using it for a while, I started noticing those small issues and they started to add up. Now, I can't help myself to compare it with my go to twin engine mods, especially Carenado B58 with rep, and AFL KA350. It fails to satisfy half as much as those mods, although I know each aircraft have different visual, acoustic, and flight characteristics. It just does not feel as alive as those aircraft. :\ I hope those issues will be solved asap, and the simulation rendition will be further improved.
  5. I want to add a few notes; now that I had a chance to see the aircraft with night lighting. * The landing lights are quite dull, even though they illuminate the ground fine. They dont even reach the white point brightness, let alone exploiting HDR with over exposure. They either need strong additive flares, or their texture has to be 5-8 fstop brighter. * White texture for landing lights is visible, when you switch landing lights on with master battery switch at off position.They dont illuminate the scenery, just the light bulb's textures. * As I posted in other thread, Sun light & shading cause huge drop in FPS, possibly shadow map related.
  6. Hi Coop, Tried removing the glass objects but it didnt change the FPS drop. I even tried removing redundant G5 version objects, incase they are active as a double copy of the model. Finally, I think I figured it out I was completing a flight in the evening in sim, and I notice a huge FPS increase when clock ticked 7PM. Fiddled with sim clock, and yes 18:59 my FPS droped to 11, 19:00 jumped to 20 FPS. Exact moment the sun set. I think something about sun lighting is causing the huge drop. I also checked the cockpit lights just in case, turning them on and off have minimal effect. But the sun, probably shadow map cause 50% drop in FPS. I hope you can fix this issue quickly. At least I can do evening flights in the meantime
  7. Hi Coop, I am also having a constant 50% FPS inside the cockpit. Between 12-14 depending the camera angle. External view is 25-30 fps. And this is with almost all addons turned off, world objects at minimal. As a comparison TBM900 (which is a quite heavy addon) is around 22 FPS and Zibo737 25 FPS, those are the most resource heavy addons I have, and those are with the addons and world objects at high. I installed 2K textures, which didnt make any difference. I am getting same FPS as 4K. I renamed the PPL folder and disabled passangers. That did not helped at all, FPS remains same. I also attached my latest Log.txt file. I hope you guys solve this quickly. It is literally unplayable at the moment Log.txt Let me know if you need any other info or test on my end, that would help you pinpoint the issue Thanks
  8. Got it. Thanks Coop will do.
  9. Awesome! Thanks for the info. I have dual 6GB GPUs, but I guess Opengl dont exploit both cards. Looking forward for the patches Would you also investigate the forward view without cockpit? Im using a work-around by placing the camera outside infront, but that is not ideal.
  10. Just installed and flying it, I wanted to add some of my observations. I liked the modeling and textures. It looks gorgeous from outside. Performance on the other hand is quite bad. I am getting lower frame rates than much more complex addons. I am not sure if this is texture or systems optimization issue or a bug. I am suspecting there might be a problem with the model, as the 3D cockpit is still in view even if I switch to Forward with Nothing and Forward with HUD views. I hope we can get a quick fix for this. Engine sounds are not satisfactory at all. I understand this is not final. When can we expect a sound fix?
  11. It is up instantly. Did a test by loading it to a new profile after I published. It is a complete device profile. Be sure to select complete device for radio panel, and type TBM 900 in search box. Well in any case, using radio panel knobs are more immersive. Glad it worked.
  12. @jbucholz Cool setup! Does using tri display splitter instead of connecting monitors directly to graphics card make a difference in terms of performance? I am looking for triple monitor solutions. It would be great help, if you can give more details about the splitter, setup, and configuration. Anything I should be aware of. Thanks,
  13. @Rossco I published the snippet as 'Hotstart TBM 900 MFD Controls' Let me know if you want any customisation. Yea it sounds like there is some kind of interference, either with lua script or spad.next itself. Maybe you need a fresh start. Good luck nailing it down.
  14. Ah got it! Many thanks @RobW05. Gonna try those asap. @Rossco I set my Radio Panel knobs to control MFD by using default x-plane events. Works like magic. The setup is active when both selectors are at XPDR. Top knob is FMS cursor while the bottom knob controls range. upper switch is enter in short mod and cursor push in long. bottom switcher is cancel in short and FPL in long press mode. As for displays, I set left part to Airspeed and Groundspeed, and right part to Altitude and GPS Waypoint ETE (which switches to radar altimeter below 700 feet) I can post the snippet if you like.
  15. Im trying to properly connect my saitek devices to control TBM 900 using spad.Next. I really like the way you can easily program conditionally customised buttons and axis using it. My main goal is to program one of the radio knob and stby switch for easy access to FMS functions, and code an expression so I can properly control Power stick with quadrant. But I am missing custom TBM900 simulation events inside Spad.NExt I found some online snippets (device presets) customised for TBM900, to use as a guide. But, when I load them simulation events are marked red and dont work. I am guessing I somehow need to define those simulation events in Spad.Next or Xplane. They are all in dataref format; such as XPLANE:tbm900.actuators/elec/source_up Anyone has an idea what I need to do? Or what am I doing wrong. Thanks,
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