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About Spacedust

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. The payware version is from the same developers as the XP8 version. These are the only two options available.
  2. Pilatus PC-21
  3. Always look at the official charts or use the build-in data of X-plane (whether correct or not)! LFBL has an ILS only for runway 21 with the frequency 110.1. For runway 03 you can use a NDB or a RNAV approach.
  4. No it's used for spraying off the salt water of navy aircraft.
  5. Don't forget India bought 200+ Rafales recently! And if you want cheap spare parts, India is your country!
  6. There are no bridges in OpenSceneryX. So or they are X-plane default or they are from a custom scenery.
  7. I don't have the download link in my invoice, is that because I ordered it on CD?
  8. What's missing in X-plane is a Fokker 100 with 3D cockpit. So please reconsider your choice. Anyhow good to see you started making your own aircraft instead of converting them!
  9. Even if the Arrow was superior to all other jets in the fifties (which was never proofed in reality) it would be unsuited for modern times. If they have to modernise it, they have to redesign the whole package to match it with the modern competitors. Yes Phantoms and Sovjet aircraft from the sixties are still used by modern air forces, but more as reserve or for simple missions (most air superiority fighters of that time are used nowadays as bomb carriers). Although I don't have trust in the JSF program and would like to see a new competitor arise, I doubt it will be an Arrow... But yes, we need a very detailed Arrow in X-plane, to check whether it was the best fighter of that time!
  10. If you keep on posting these superb liveries I have to buy that plane...
  11. No, in contrary. With low spec machines, like my 2008 MacBookPro, the later versions of XP10 runs slower than the first ones. But it runs and it runs fine if you don't use a lot of third party scenery and high-end aircraft. I use XP10 to enjoy the look of the mountains and the accurate shoreline. But when I want to fly from city to city, with good sceneries around, I still use XP9. For half a year I spend almost equal time on both sims. When more aircraft and scenery will be converted to the XP10 standard, I reckon I will use 10 more and more. But for good results I need new hardware for that.
  12. Yes you can, from the pull-down menu on the right.
  13. Look at the org for the files of Walterblenny and download the RUscenery library: http://www.x-plane.su/projects/ruscenery.html
  14. Why bother about the world when you have Switzerland?
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