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Everything posted by qvwnMadness

  1. I tested again. Now I see the shadows better. I liked the earlier version more
  2. Well, I know how before the update gradually the cloud shadows were so dark that it was almost too strong. But it does not help..
  3. I meant those shadows. Taken one year ago. That looked nice. The shadows from the new version are totally weak. I´am the only one with this problem?
  4. Thanks for the answer, but the problem persists. I have set the shadows to maximum, but no improvement Attached a few screenshots.. Is there a way to get an older version of Skymaxx? These feel better to me
  5. Hello, with the new update 4.8.1 i can install "weather connector 1.1" That did not work in version 4.8.0 Farther i have no cloud shadows on the ground. It works great on Version 4.7 i think but not with 4.8 and 4.8.1 New problems with every update. The rest runs great!
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