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  1. Thanks Coop. I found the issues. The stdby gyro circuit breaker had popped for some reason. I reset that, and just completed a 3 hr flight with no issues. I did verify that the pitot/aoa covers only show failed when those covers were in place. Thanks.
  2. I just went thru all the failures, and also noticed these (and yes, I did have the pitot heat on) autopilot servos marker beacons aoa indicator pitot tube 1 & 2 blockage I can clear all failures, and it will happen again next flight. Log.txt
  3. Standby gyro keeps failing, I can turn it off, and back on, and it'll be good for maybe 10 minutes, and fail again. I've turned all de-ice on, but it didn't help. It's gotta be something I'm doing wrong. Any ideas?
  4. Thanks. You got me thinking. I just checked several other aircraft, the gns530 is working fine in those. Could it be a switch I'm missing? Anyone else see this? What I'm expecting to see.
  5. Next flight item 1 is resolved, no idea why? Still issue with gns530.
  6. listening to atis on com2, works fine. When I turn com2 off, I can still just barely still hear atis. Only way to eliminate it, is to change freqs. getting ready to set up an ILS approach, dialed in the appropriate freq on the gns530 1 & 2. All the way to the airport, I never saw the localizer ID on the gns530. It did capture the ILS, and followed the GS down with no problem. Is there a switch I'm missing?
  7. Great plane.. Any idea what these 3 dials are for above the standby gyro?
  8. Problem is resolved. I upgraded my PC. Not because of this issue, just because it was time. Gigabyte Z790 Master, I9-13900K, DDR5 ram, new SSDs. Plane loads and flies fine now. I don't know if it was the hardware, or a new install of Windows 10. But I'm flying now......
  9. I fly with keyboard and mouse only. Is there anyway to link the rudder with the ailerons like on most other planes? Mouse works elevator, ailerons, and nose wheel fine.
  10. As I mentioned before, loading a default plane 1st, then switching to the SR22, only gains me a few lines in the log file. XP still hangs. When I say hangs, XP shows not responding, CPU=0%, disk usage=0%. Nothing in the windows event logs. I have to go into task manager and kill the XP processes. I'm at a loss, since no one else is reporting this, you cant replicate it, and yet this is the only plane I have this problem with. Same issue on my main XP instance, and a fresh/clean XP install. Only common thread is XP12.05+, and my hardware. Only one that works is pre XP12.05..... At this point the plane is useless to me in XP12. I'll wait and see what the next few(?) updates of XP12 do for the issue. Better or worse, any guesses? Thanks so far for your help..
  11. Thanks. I found the post for the e175. Let's see what Coop has to say, and see what the next XP release does. I don't fly the e-jets, but this SR22 is the only plane I have that has this issue.. Thanks again, appreciate the input.
  12. I have several backups, and was able to load Xplane12.00R3, and 12.05B1. The SR22 loads fine in 12.00R3 The SR22 hangs Xplane in 12.05B1, and all subsequent 12.05 betas and 12.05R1. Attached are 2 new logs 12.00R3 showing successfull SR22 load 12.05B1 showing hang. This has to tell someone something. As before, any/all help appreciated/ Log12-05B1.txt Log 12-00r3.txt
  13. Since no one else seems to have this issue, and a pure fresh vanilla install of xplane12 also does not work for me, I'll presume this is an issue between my pc configuration or architecture and the sr22 in xplane12. I have no issues with any other plane, and have no issue with this plane and xplane 11. Is there any way to increase the logging level, either in xplane, or the sr22, that would give me more information? I really like this plane in xp11, and would like to fly it in xp12. Thanks for any and all help.
  14. Thanks for your help on this so far.. I just installed another fresh/vanilla copy of XP, no addons at all. I also disabled my antivirus. Same results. A couple things I noticed 1. When I first install the SR22, on the 1st boot of XP, the plane loads, and prompts for x-aviation credentials, license activates ok, and the plane looks good. 2. I can then go back and forth between planes, and the SR22 loads fine everytime. 3. Issue returns starting with the next boot of XP. 4. I noticed, if I load another plane 1st, then load the SR22, it gets several more lines in the log, before it hangs. Not sure what that shows. I run this on a MSI Z390 motherboard, Intel I9-9900K, with 32GB ram. Wish I had another PC to try, but XP won't run on my laptop. No issues with any other planes. Log.txt
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