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Everything posted by dlrk

  1. I'll try that flight again without XSquawkbox. It does look like it's logging a lot, but OTOH, XSquawkBox is fairly stable, and I'm sure others use it with this airplane.
  2. TBM and X-Plane log is attached. The TBM caught an access violation on this flight. On a previous flight on the same route, X-Plane crashed shortly before I was going to land, but no exception was caught on that one, although Windows identified it as an access violation. Only addons in use aside from the TBM is ASXP and XSquawkBox TBM900_Log.txt Log.txt
  3. dlrk

    Speeds in G1000?

    Alright. Tbh, v-speeds on the pfd seems like a frustratingly basic thing to be missing, especially in such an otherwise complete add on. No plan to add in the near future?
  4. dlrk

    Speeds in G1000?

    Huh. Hopefully it gets added soon/eventually. Is there a list of planned additions anywhere?
  5. dlrk

    Speeds in G1000?

    Clicking on TMR/REF, I can start a timer or set minimums, but I can't seem to set the Glide, Vx or Vy speeds. Was this not implemented?
  6. I'm also finding that adding power gradually, rather than releasing brakes at 50% and immediately pushing to 90-100 helps a lot
  7. Is there a way to more precisely determine what the rudder trim should be?
  8. I definitely seem to be getting the hang of it, with some practice and sensitivity tweaking. But is it normal for very little to no rudder trim being required for a low weight? The green T/O mark is completely excessive, at least at a low weight (full tank, 188 pounds in left seat).
  9. Goran, It seems a bit better now, so maybe I just need practice. Am I correct in thinking that aileron is needed on the takeoff roll as well? To be honest, I didn't know, until now, that p-factor caused roll. Also I have a couple G1000 questions, should I put that in a different thread?
  10. Ok. Just so I understand though, pulling to the right is normal/expected, and it's over correction due to oversensitive controls that's the issue?
  11. Alright, thanks. I'll give it a try tomorrow (it's 12:05 AM my time right now). Just wondering, why is this manual curve adjustment necessary? I'm used to FSX, and I've never had to get that much into the weeds with sensitivity.
  12. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x7iy1qg48kwk4ac/AAC5XUNgWNV6h_x5v89WCRbCa?dl=0 There ya go. Screenshots of the curves for my yoke and pedals. Again, I double-checked the calibration. Is it possible I'm not handling the rudder right? Is there a way to have x-plane export a video with control inputs displayed?
  13. Video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/egn1tykt8pit3ax/TBM900_1.avi?dl=0 Screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vj2jd98iim1ypul/TBM900_4.png?dl=0 It's definitely not calibration, I checked repeatedly.
  14. Is yawing to the right supposed to happen though? Shouldn't p-factor be pushing me to the left?
  15. I just got this aircraft. Whenever I try to takeoff (having first set the rudder trim to the green line), it yaws to the right uncontrollably, and winds up spinning out on the ground. If I do manage to get it in the air, it rolls to the left constantly. I've tried taking off with the trim centered, instead of at the TO line, and it doesn't seem to be much different. I've checked the calibration of my yoke and rudder pedals, and both are fine, and perform normally in other aircraft. I'm on X-Plane 11.32. I also have to add, that it is very frustrating to troubleshoot this aircraft, given that it doesn't seem to be possible to save a panel state.
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