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Everything posted by cromsan

  1. Goran, I have download Gizmo64.plugin-, and take aaway the Gizmo 64 I had installed, and now the crash bar works. Thank you.
  2. Goran, I check that Gizmo64.plugin appear inside Resources/plugins. And inside X-Plane 11 also appear Gizmo Updater.
  3. I send log Log.txt
  4. Cameron, I had installed Gizmo, and I can´t move crash bar.
  5. In X-Plane 11.50, beta 16, the crash bar don´t work, you can´t put it up.
  6. Goran, I will made next time, but a I have download now beta 15 in X-Plane 11.50.
  7. I push impulse inverter.
  8. Goran, thank you.
  9. I mean, goes out, all shut. TBM900_Log.txt
  10. After landing, when I put inverter push, everythin goes off. I am in X-Plane 11.50, beta14. I send LogTBM900_Log.txt Log.txt
  11. cromsan

    Fail in flight

    The problem of my crashes is resolved: It was not a problem of TBM 900, or of 11.50 beta, the problem was that, when I configurate and calibrate Roll and Pitch in the joystick instead of replacing the name None in both and putting Roll and Pitch, I didn´t so.
  12. cromsan

    Fail in flight

    I think that the cause of crashes of my TBM was how I had configurate my controls. I send photos. Ideas are welcome.
  13. cromsan

    Fail in flight

    With 11.50, b11 and departing fromLEVS I crash again.
  14. cromsan

    Fail in flight

    Goran_M, but the problem I had is only in TBM 900, not in the other aircraft I fly, A 321 Toliss, Diamond DA 62.
  15. cromsan

    Fail in flight

    I run in other airport (LFTO default) and I don´t have anuy problem in take off and cruise, like days before. I send log.txt. Log.txt
  16. cromsan

    Fail in flight

    Goran_M, I send log.txt after the crash now. Log.txt
  17. cromsan

    Fail in flight

    Goran_M, I send log.txt Log.txt
  18. In flight TBM_900_v1.1.12, Xplane 11.50 b10, notice of Full imbalance on MFDisplay, despite, amount of full is enough for the fly and, in Overhead Panel, Full selector switch is set to Auto.
  19. cromsan

    Fail in flight

    I am using: -11.50 b10 -Gizmo 64.plugin (not beta) Lua Scripts (only LandingRate)
  20. cromsan

    Fail in flight

    In full flight, suddenly the PFD and the MFD go out and I crash.TBM900_Log.txt
  21. My question is: Before putting AP and YD, after taking off, you have to fly Manual to reach the waypoint heading? Marius_B, the problem I had with TBM was not of Vulkan 11.50 b10; the problem was that I had version 1.12 of TBM, that I had downloaded, but not executed, so I was running with version1.11.
  22. Marius_B, It can be that if I had tried to put Ap I would had save the problem. I don´t find where is the experimental model?
  23. Marius, thank you. I lost contol in cruise, without AP. Sorry, but I can not send log.txt.
  24. With 11.50 beta 10, I lost the control of the plane and I crash.
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