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Carlos Garcia

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Everything posted by Carlos Garcia

  1. Hermoso.... Gracias por compartir esas imágenes tan hermosas... Carlos Garcia A
  2. A little History of the DC-3 Use in my country... The Airport, well if you can call "that" and airport is called Araracuara, SKAC a 4000' dirt strip in the Amazon basin approximately 200nm away from the nearest paved runway. There are no services at SKAC, so the fuel you bring with you is what you fly out with. The only NavAid in the area is on the site: NDB:ARA (365KHz). The least dangerous approach into SKAC is from the west (via rwy 10), the threshold of which is at the edge of a 200ft ravine. The threshold itself is level, but most of the rest of the runway is up-hill, causing an illusion on approach that you are too high. The end levels off, and if you've got too much speed you'll discover the steep drop beyond. There is space at the end of the runway to turn around (to unload your payload and take-off via rwy 28). Thousands of people in the region depend upon SKAC, which is frequented by heavy-duty 'bush' aircraft such as the ATR-42, Dash-8, and DC-3 Thanks for the "Fix" Mr Cameron. Best Regards... Carlos
  3. Then come to Colombia and try this one : Nice Plane Thanks... Carlos Garcia
  4. "Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of a man at twice its natural size." ~ Virginia Woolf All of us, no matter how big or how small, whether male or female -- we all owe our lives to a woman. Happy, International Women's Day and Women's History Month. Best regards Carlos Garcia Acevedo SKBQ Barranquilla - Colombia
  5. 747-8 Freighter Beta Testing...
  6. discontinue : stop doing, providing, or making. But I read in the X plane 10 Wordpress thats the plane is going to be "UPGRADED" New plug in.... ? I really dont understand....
  7. I dont know maybe is a "BIG" mistake what I going to write... Maybe you can try with some kind of Texture or Change the Default Xplane Trees to some kind of grass... Sorry if this dont makes any sense.... just a crazy idea... Something like this one http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5120 Carlos Garcia A
  8. 777 Freighter conversion from XPFW 777LR. SCEL to KJFK ( 220.000 lbs Fuel - 220.000 Lbs Payload) About 4.500 nmi...
  9. For general Planes : I dont know the CRJ procedures. No... You have to shut down the APU as soon as the engines are running. It is started again after landing, ( is at the discretion of the flight crew) and shut down when ground power is on line. External power is preferable! APU usage cost a lot of money (burn fuel) Carlos
  10. Yes, if you use too much grass, it can affect your health :-) LOL jajajajajajaja Nice .... Question ? Are you the owner of xplane10 wordpress ? Regards Simmo...
  11. Maybe this can help you http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=12621 Regards Carlos
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