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  1. Thanks Coop. That was the exact problem. It is now fixed! Thanks again!!!
  2. Since installing the Cirrus SR22tn version 1.3 update the small FPS counter display that use to be on the lower left of the screen has disappeared. I am running a 4K display with two RealSimGear G1000’s. Everything is working perfectly except for the FPS counter display which is no longer there. Any ideas how to get it back would be much appreciated. I did another reload but that did not work.
  3. Since installing the Cirrus SR22tn version 1.3 update the small FPS counter display that use to be on the lower left of the screen has disappeared. I am running a 4K display with two RealSimGear G1000’s. Everything is working perfectly except for the FPS counter display which is no longer there. Any ideas how to get it back would be much appreciated. I did another reload but that did not work.
  4. Thanks Coop!!! Love this airplane!
  5. I know this may be a stupid question but I just can’t figure out what this button does. Thanks in advance to anyone who could enlighten me about it !
  6. Thank you very much. This plane is fantastic!
  7. Does anyone know what the keyboard assignments are for - oxygen on, oxygen off and fuel boost prime? Thanks in advance for any help you could provide!
  8. I have been flying the TBM since it first came out. It is a wonderful plane. Recently I added a six pack of Logitech FIP’s to my flight sim hardware using xsaitek for software and instrument displays. All works well except I have no Loc or GS on the FIP’s when flying an ILS. I know to switch the CDI. I do get a Loc and GS on the FIP when flying an RNAV approach on the TBM and when flying other planes like the Zibo mod 737, stock 172 and stock Vision jet. I do always get the ILS Loc and GS on the TBM G1000 display no problem. I suspect it is a quirky data ref issue. Any ideas on how to fix this would be very much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
  9. Thanks again for the follow up. I probably was not clear but I had been using a three axis joystick and had no problem with ground steering the TBM. I replaced the joystick with a two axis Logitech yoke A couple of days ago which resulted in the problem with ground steering. I prefer to fly with the yoke so to make that work I think I will have to get rudder pedals. Thanks again for your very timely responses. Much appreciated! I love flying the TBM!
  10. Thanks for your prompt reply! Upon further research this is a study level aircraft and therefore rudders and ailerons are not linked. The yoke only has two axis while my joystick had three one of which acted as rudder pedals. I tried assigning keys for hold left brake and hold right brake to steer the plane with keys but that did not work. I guess I will just have to get rudder pedals.
  11. I just added a new Logitech flight system yoke to my flight sim. It works fine with other planes but has virtually no ground steering with the TBM. I have the yaw dampener turned off so that is not the problem. The yoke moves correctly both physically and visually but the plane barely turns. I previously used a joystick and the TBM turned fine. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for the help!
  12. I have the exact same problem using a single 65” 4K tv monitor.
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