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Everything posted by Ntr09

  1. I was really referring to the way a real Il-14 autopilot worked. I didn't even mention the word "Felis". And I also don't have that climbing issue with its autopilot.
  2. Correct. Sounds a lot like an Il-14 autopilot.
  3. Probably just an ADF, ILS, and possibly a VOR/DME. At least I hope that's all it'll have. (No GPS!)
  4. Sounds good to me!
  5. Are you kidding me? I'd much rather have the original. DC-3's weren't ment to be modernized.
  6. That'll help me wake up!
  7. Indeed great work! I'm just looking forward to seeing the systems and panel layout! (And hoping they'll be as realistic as possible!)
  8. My words exactly.
  9. This is looking great guys! I hope all the systems, functions, and SOUNDS (!) are modeled as realistically as possible! But even if they aren't, you already have my money! -Ntr09
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