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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Pils, taking your advice, I have made progress in flying the aircraft, thank you. My only persistent fault indication is ATS fail - but I will keep working on this.
  2. Hi. I have just purchased the Challenger for X-Plane 12. It is a remarkable product with unmatched fidelity. However, I think you are limiting your potential market by keeping it so complex (for all). I suggest the following for consideration: a. Have a choice to have the FBO active or not active (easier for some, less of a hit on FPS and quicker load times). b. Via the avitab, have preconfigured states, i.e cold and dark, ready for taxi, ready for take off - better accessibility - more appealing to a wider audience. c. Make the co-pilot / instructor more interactive - make it a bit easier for those that want to learn the correct procedures. In X-Plane 12, the FPS is very poor, I have a few lock-ups (no plugins other than what the Challenger installed) and it is very frustrating to have to start again. When I have saved a situation (i.e ready for taxi), I end up in the FBO or in a cold and dark aircraft. I am sure some 'purists' will not agree with my suggestions, but more sales, bigger audience = more profit and more products. By the way, I was a flying / aircrew instructor and I have developed / tested quite a few flight sim products (FSX / DCS). Kind Regards, Bill.
  3. Hi, When I update the installation programme fails as it cannot extract Gizmo64.zip. I have tried twice with same problem, BillM. Ref: bm3194@googlemail.com / ORDER NUMBER: 84208 (DELIVERED) Thank you in anticipation
  4. Hi, I had a few issues with FPS and the occasional CTD. I appeared to have fixed my issue by: a. Stopping all unnecessary background resources and making as much RAM / VRAM as available as possible b. I enabled threaded optimisation in NV control panel c. I loaded Cessna 172 first, and then TBM900 - I avoid loading a TBM saved flight By doing the above, I went from 9 to >30FPS. I am sure that the above 'fix' is system dependent. Best of luck, Bill.
  5. Hi Marpilot, I mentioned in another thread that loading the 172 fixes my very poor FPS; good spot! Regards, Bill.
  6. Hi All, Further to my last, good flight, no issues. See attached graphic. Kind Regards, Bill
  7. Hi All, Followed advice of another poster, loaded stock 172 and then TBM, steady 30FPS! Will now get started and see if I can get a flight without issues. I wonder what is going on? However, I do remember the need to load stock FSX aircraft before complex ones such as PMDG. Kind Regards, Bill.
  8. Sorry, my mistake, 2 x GTX 970! Bill.
  9. Hi, I have had FPS problems with the TBM, I will try your solution tomorrow and see if what happens! With FSX, it was advisable to load default aircraft and then a more demanding one - I never did find the reason why Cheers, Bill
  10. Cameron, Yes, I had very good FPS prior to version 30. The only way I can currently compare performance in 30 is against previous experience and current aircraft. I accept that the TBM is a sophisticated aircraft and will place greater demands on my PC in comparison to other aircraft I have, but I used to decrease some settings to ensure good FPS (I.e. no live weather, decreased graphical settings, etc.) - I can’t achieve that now unless I delete the state folder (up initial today when that also didn’t work when I removed all plugins). i will continue to try different permutations in the hope of FPS nirvana until I get my new video card. Regards, Bill
  11. Hi All, Thanks for your suggestions. With DA62, I get very good FPS 30-40, depending on weather. Good FPS with all other aircraft other than TBM. Excessive GPU loading is predominantly with TBM but also quite high with some other aircraft - I think this is down to quite an old video card, 2 x GTX670. All connections checked to / from GPUs, all secure. i will consider fresh Xplane installation at weekend - wary of fixing one thing and then creating other issues. i will keep trying as I do want to get this very fine model flying again. Regards, Bill.
  12. Hi, Thanks for the suggestions. I have tried modifying the graphics sliders - on minimum the FPS improves to 60 FPS but with unacceptable graphics, with TBM the FPS is around 20. I reset preferences and shaders when I upgraded to version .30 but will consider trying again. Again, thanks for your suggestions. Bill.
  13. Hi All, I completely removed all my plugins. Didn't touch the state folder - started Xplane, loaded TBM900, got prompt 'do I wish to continue with flight' - said yes. Aircraft loaded and I had unuseable FPS - see Photo1. Remained in Xplane and loaded Cessna 172 to check - all okay, good(ish) FPS - see Photo 2 Exit Xplane - removed state folder contents, re-started Xplane, loaded TBM900 and unlike all other occasions, still had unuseable FPS - see Photo 3 RAM and CPU usage appeared to be okay but when I opened Task Manager, GPU was at 100% with TBM - see Photo 4 Loaded up Diamond DA62, FPS okay, RAM, CPU and GPU okay - see Photo 5 It would appear that by removing all plugins, I was unable to recover the FPS for the TBM900. I didn't get the chance to fly it so I cannot comment on stability. With your assistance, I do hope to get the TBM flying again - I will be upgrading my GPU very soon but whilst I do concede that this could be part of the issue, I don't think it is the main problem as I did have the aircraft flying well with pretty good FPS. As always, your assistance and advice are welcomed. Kind Regards, Bill.
  14. Hi Fireone, Thank you for your suggestion. As I only have an issue with the TBM900 (all my other aircraft, stock and addons work very well) I would be reluctant to do a completer re-install. I did use the Xplane application to check my installation and it did not highlight any problems. However, the few plugins that I have I will try and remove them and see what happens. Kind Regards, Bill.
  15. Cameron, I am trying to assist you to correct a fault that I have - I have taken the trouble to provide you with information and txt files; please don’t be so defensive, I appreciate this is ‘your baby’. Fact: the uninstall routine leaves lots behind. Fact: removing the state folder after each flight restores the FPS from around 9 to approx 30 When I can get the aircraft flying - it is a joy. Have you reviewed the files that I provided to determine the issues or the crash? If we can’t work together to resolve the issue, then I will uninstall it and you can provide me with a refund. Kind Regards, Bill.
  16. After the successful flight yesterday, when I loaded the aircraft again today, I was back 9-10 FPS and it was unusable. I closed Xplane and deleted the state folder, restarted Xplane, reloaded TBM900 and was back up tp 25-35FPS. Unfortunately, 5 minutes into my flight and Xplane crashed. This issue is unique to the TBM900. I will wait for the next update to TBM900 and hopefully a fix, but for the moment, it is unusable for me. There are problems with your uninstall routine and the 'state folder'. I have attached log files to assist you. TBM900_Log.txt Log.txt GizmoLog.txt Any suggestions welcomed - I just want to fly the aircraft! Kind Regards, Bill. Log.txt
  17. Further to my last - I cleared the TBM900 state folder, by-passed the tutorial and finally had a short flight with good FPS (25-30). I think you have two issues (that affect some people): 1. The un-install code does delete some files that then subsequently causes issues with the next installation or update. 2. There is something wrong in the state folder. It will be intersesting whether I now again suffer issues or poor FPS as the state folder will have been updated - if yes, I will delete the contents again. It is an impressive aircraft when I get it flying - however, ground handling is very sensitive and the aircraft requires a lot of trimming. Kind Regards, Bill.
  18. Hi Cameron, I have two GTX970 in my PC and to date, have had no issues with any sims and other complex aircraft in Xplane. However, I will be getting a new RTX 2080 in a month or so as I agree that those cards are getting a bit old. Regards, Bill
  19. I was premature! Selected aircraft, good FPS, tutorial started, go as far as engine start and then Xplane crashed. Re-started Xplane, new situation, selected TBM900 aircraft, into cockpit FPS back to 9, and battery will not switch on - checked all systems, they were OK. Selected Cessna 172, everything was okay, FPS back to 40 plus. Sorry, but this is a pain. Added 3 x log files - are there any others you need? TBM900_Log.txt Log.txt GizmoLog.txt Here are the four files in the OPutput TBM900 state folder: state.cfg creds.cfg 883d79ba31e8d403bada1a24793a97f2_maintlog.csv 883d79ba31e8d403bada1a24793a97f2.airframe I will give it a few more days of trying to get it running. Kind Regards, Bill.
  20. Good news! As advised, cleaned all folders and files ref TBM900. No problem with installation and my FPS are also restored - around 25FPS (from 9!) May I suggest that you give the user the option to completely remove TBM900 or leave various config files - this change may improve user experience and reduce support questions. Back to flying and not tweaking! Thanks for your assistance. Bill.
  21. Hi, I am very calm but frustrated. When you spend more time trying to get a product to work than you do using it, then frustration sets in and you question the value of the product. I will try and look for any remnants of a previous installation and remove them and then I will try and re-install again. From these forums, I do not appear to be only person having issues. Seeking complexity and realism can be problematic for any product and particularly one for Xplane with its regular updates - so I sympathise with your position. I am a pilot and have been involved in simulation ( professional and entertainment) for over 30 years - getting accessibility and realism balanced is very difficult. Whilst I understand your need for product protection, the process that you employ is a bit cumbersome and maybe part of the issues being highlighted. In conclusion, I will try a bit longer with the TBM900 as I recognise its potential. However, I use Xplane as for its accessibility and the fact that it does not need the constant tweaking that plagued FSX - I don’t want to then move to ‘the teaking’ to trying to get a product to work. As before, I welcome suggestions / advice on how to get this product to work and to enjoy the immense amount of work that has obviously gone into it. Regards, Bill.
  22. As I was desperate, I re-downloaded the executable and now I get this (after 3 tries): This is getting as bad as some of my experiences with FSX. If the FPS and the installation issues cannot be fixed, can someone in support please give me a refund? Regards, Bill.
  23. Hi, Thanks for your suggestions. I have tried threaded optimisation on and off - still poor FPS. With all other aircraft I can achieve 35-40 FPS. Still can't install - any other ideas?
  24. Hi, No problem with Xplane - still works well. I downloaded the installer an hour before I posted issue. Has new installer just been released? If not, then I am using latest installer. I also suffered very poor FPS with last TBM900 version. Bill.
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