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  1. Thank you. Are there any videos of the real sim gear G500 being used in sim somewhere ? I couldn't find anything on youtube... thanks.
  2. Hi Coop, Thank you very much for your quick answer. Can I expect it to work like the default G1000 + autopilot of the default Cessna C172 then ? Thanks.
  3. Hi, I am very interested in the G500 suite and particularly to upgrade the avionics suite of my Carenado PC-12 already modded with a REP package. I saw that the installation was possible and I have a question regarding the communication between the G500 and the KMC 321 (the autopilot unit of the PC-12). Are the VS and ALTITUDE CAPTURE functions of the G500 implemented Not just altitude select ? And if yes, can I only use the knobs and buttons of the G500 to bypass the use KAS 297 (the original Altitude /VS selector of the PC-12). Thank you very much for any info you can share. Best regards, Seb
  4. Awesome @Litjan as usual! Thanks ! So if someone comes accros this thread, here are the final summary regarding a realistic profile for a real aircraft (at least in this particular config): ************************************** Airframe: 737-300 2 x CFM56-3B1 20,000 lbs each Config: Y123 Dry Operating Weight: 34000 kg Max Taxi weight: 57830 kg - 127 493 lb Max Take off weight: 57600 kg - 126 986 lb Max Landing weight: 52600 kg - 115 963 lb Max Zero fuelweight: 49450 kg - 109 018 lb ******************************************* Seb
  5. Hi @Litjan, Thank you very much for your contribution regarding the weights. I am also part of those people who like to have it as close as possible to the real thing ;) Regarding the weights used by your airline, from the post above, you gave us those numbers: Jan's numbers: Max Taxi weight: 57830 kg - 127 493 lb Max Take off weight: 57600 kg - 126 986 lb Max Landing weight: 52600 kg - 115 963 lb Max Zero fuelweight: 49450 kg - 109 018 lb Could you also kindly provide us with an example of the real DOW for one of the 737-300 of your fleet and also the seating config that goes with it ? Y140, Y148 etc... Single class, 2 class etc... I believe LH used 2 classes ? Thank you soo much ! Seb
  6. Super !! Thanks !
  7. Hey Jan, I totally agree! I am a real world pilot (ppl) and even at my level I realised that 99% of the time... the human is wrong... not the machine. So it's better to have this kind of system. Thanks for that level realism! You got me from frustrated to super excited ! One note though: what could be an ehnancement for future release is to simply "block" the sliders in the preflight module when one goes above the max allowed ZFW weight. This could limit confusion... but that's just me being picky. Keep up the good work! Seb
  8. Hi Jan, Thank you for your message ! You are right ! It was just me being completely stupid.The aircraft was right and I was wrong ! Many thanks again for your very quick support ! Best, Seb
  9. Hi, I have just bought your airplane and I am very frustrated. Every time I try to program the FMC on the PERF INIT PAGE, when I want to enter the ZFW, I get the message "INVALID ENTRY". This is VERY annoying and frustrating. I have read the manuals, watch tutorials but I don't understand what is going on. I disabled the only LUA pluggin I have and it didn't change anything. I uninstalled reinstalled the aircraft, no change. I set my aircraft in KG. Use the weight from the "ground operation". My x-plane version is : 11.32 My B733 version is 1.21 I am running WINDOWS 10 64 I have Active Sky SP and XVision Many Thanks in advance for your help. Please find a quick video for illustration: B733_1.avi
  10. voleo

    Sexist plane?

    Hi @Panxua Definitely agree ! Something I noticed. Nothing impacting the performance of the aircraft, but something that the dev could think of for future developments !
  11. Hi @Goran_M Thanks i didn't know.
  12. Hi rickw844, Not sure it will help you but I do too have some effects around the propeller. Much nicer than yours but a bit disturbing. Hope the dev can help. Keep up the great work guys ! Regards, Voleo
  13. Hi Felix2, It happened few minutes after takeoff from LESO on runway 04. I was using the BTZ1B SID and it was after a direct between present position and BTZ VOR (which is the end waypoint of the SID). I simulated a "direct to" given by tower. I was able to reproduce this 2-3 times as LESO is my base. I had no VOR frequencies set up, just following up the GPS trace.As usual I hope it helps. I don't think (but i could be wrong) that this is a Laminar bug as this doesn't happen with the Aerobask G100 Robin for example. Thanks !
  14. Hi, First of all, thank you very much for this wonderful aircraft and high level of realism ! Here is a little bug I discovered : I was flying a gps departure procedure and at some stage, for some reasons, the aircraft started to stop follow the magenta line (well it was actually following it but on the side) and the other strange thing was that GPS guide on the CDI was on the opposite side. In my example, my aircraft was flying LEFT on the intended gps flight path but on the PFD, the CDI was telling me to go left to join back the GPS track, which is wrong. See the document attached. Let me know if you thing this is a bug or just me who is not using your systems properly. Many thanks in advance and happy flying ! Voleo
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