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Posts posted by tkyler

  1. I want to thank everybody for their patience here.  We won't make March 8th as mentioned previously, but not for lack of attention to the update process.   We do plan to give a more informational update next week though and I still feel we're not terribly far away from a release as work continues regularly.

    The roadmap for myself (being both IXEG and TOGA) is to get this port update out, then I'll binge the MU2 for 4-ish weeks, getting it refined for V12 and then take a deep breath/short break and dive into the FMS / VNAV functionality of the 733 while also seeking out other areas to improve throughout the remainder of the year.  Thx again.


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  2. Those are all good points and should be addressed Graeme.  Bleed air for several things passes through the AC system...so I have to dig a bit deeper into that switchgear and I suspect this will get addressed when I did into that.  I plan to incrementely improve the systems once the IXEG/MU2 are ported to V12 in their current forms.  As usual, I've added this to my tracking list.  

    Though it seems quiet here, I'm rolling full steam on XP still...the Moo just has to wait for its rotation across my desktop :)  


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  3. 21 minutes ago, Graeme_77 said:

    The index should rotate with the numbers

    Good catch Graeme.   Looks like that mesh got "decoupled" in my blender file during some editing and didn't get the animation directive.  Will fix.

    21 minutes ago, Graeme_77 said:

    This is stock LR instrument behaviour

    I'll dig in a bit more....seems this was addressed at one point within Laminar...I can't be sure, but noted this post on my todos.


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  4. The TCS and AP Disco buttons are default....those buttons should animate/work with the XP commands.


    There are no commands (sort of) for the GA button, YAW and AP Engage...but seems like their should be??  (I can't remember why I did not use commands atm)..... when you push these buttons with the mouse, it does call the following default XP commands...but checks for autopilot fuse states and the position of the ap turn knob first.


    So you can bind to these default commands and they should work (but not animate the buttons).....and this also would bypass the fuse states and other safety checks the real Moo has.

    I've made a note of this post for the next update.....I'll look to see if I can weave my control checks into these default command functionalities and make them commands for binding.  Thanks for pointing out.



  5. 10 hours ago, Alfie said:

    did you manage to solve it?.

    haven't looked yet (at the beacon specifically)    V12 has major lighting changes that I'll address in the V12 update, including looking at the beacon situation.  ...so its expected that if using in V12, the lighting is quite dim all around.    I will absolutely be fixing it.  I'm on an IXEG binge at the moment, but will move back to the MU2 to finish the port right after.  It won't be terribly long and I'll get this stuff fixed up.


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  6. 10 hours ago, Cameron said:

    For now, the focus is getting the product converted to 12.

    ...AND....as before.  still going full bore.  More than a week, but (hopefully) less than a month.  Hope I don't eat those words, but if so, it won't be by much.  My point is we're still moving along towards our goals according to the plan.  A significant portion of 2023 will be spent on the IXEG, so we're just making sure we get off to a solid footing to continue on with further improvements.


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  7. On 2/4/2023 at 5:07 PM, daemotron said:

    but instead uses some custom logic to power the other avionics components then indeed, this will become a rather interesting endeavor

    That is the case at the moment, because X-Plane's bus tie system is severly limited, which makes it tough for bus isolation or emergency bus in the case of the Moo..  They are changing this as even the Laminar aircraft devs are having problems with the simplified model....but I couldn't say for sure if their implementation will be adequate.  Its always a challenge tap-dancing around X-Plane's various functionalities.  Already bad enough the radios respond to "avionics bus" dataref and there's only one of those, though the radios are on differing busses in the Moo.  always something.

    I do have this on my todo list to look at.


  8. 9 hours ago, EGT said:

    A similar problem exists with the throttles, however that bug relates to the setting of "use manipulators with hardware". The manipulators MUST be disabled, otherwise the engines totally do NOT respond to either throttle or condition lever input.

    I simulated your setup with my dual throttle hardware (left lever to throttle 5, right lever to prop) and don't seem to be having any issues at first glance...everything works normally and as expected, beta range, alpha, gate 'lift' commands.......the TAXI > EMER toggle command...all work for me; however, that doesn't mean you didn't come across some weird sequence of setup that caused an issue initially.  Are you still having issues?   I have seen the odd case of initial setup being a bit weird, but on a subsequent restart, all fall into line.



  9. 8 hours ago, EGT said:

    It doesn't like scaling factor

    I have no solution for this.  I work within the framework of XP12 and XP handles the interface with windows.

    8 hours ago, EGT said:

    Option to place the inlet covers is missing

    I believe I removed this checkbox option (though appears to still be in the docs....which I need to fix).  There was a strange sound bug relating to that preference that I could not solve at the time.....I may revist it, but for now, its not supposed to be present.  Thx for noticing that.


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  10. EGT model definintely needs work, especially because of SRL, which X-Plane does not simulate.....so yes, the EGT modeling is outside of X-Plane.    I've received some excellent data from a MU-2 pilot though and plan to incorporate that during my next MU2 binge session.

    Now all that being said,  I haven't seen the EGT go to 700 except during the engine start sequence, which its supposed to.  After the start sequence,  I see about 500 with the condition levers in taxi...probably a bit high...most -10 engines run a bit over 400 at idle, but certainly not 700.


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  11. The MU2 is "waiting in the wings" at the moment, while I work on the IXEG V12 process.  The MU2 works tolerably well enough in XP12, whereas the IXEG does not work enough in 12 to even fly it....so I need to get those customers taken care of and I'm working towards that atm.  As soon as the 733 goes out the door (more than a week, less than a month), I'll go back to the MU2 and make another series of passes to leverage the V12 features and start improving the performance model.  It won't get left out in the cold.


    • Like 8
  12. The liveries for V1 won't work on V2.  The UV unwrap for the V2 is pretty challenging and not many have accepted the challenge :)   It is on my 'todo' to just sit down and crank out some liveries at some point...so in due course, I'll do more liveries..but may be a few months.  I tend to work "in binges", moving between the IXEG and MU2.  More liveries will make it out at some point though.


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  13. On 1/15/2023 at 8:04 PM, divinglyc said:

    with the condition lever pulled to Emergent stop

    When the condition lever is in emergency stop, it opens what is called the "feather valve", which drains all oil from the prop governor, forcing it to feather.  Unfeathering requires oil pressure.   Its like trying to fill up a sink with water but with no plug in the drain.  All the oil gets pumped into the governor and right back out again through the open feather valve.  Moving the condition lever out of emer stop and forward of the taxi position closes the valve (puts a plug in the drain) and allows pressure to build in the prop governor when the engine is running or unfeather button is pressed (with electrical power of course)


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  14. 5 hours ago, divinglyc said:

    Could someone please tell me? Thanks!

    Those are "lever locks", which keeps the handles from moving on their own due to vibration (in the real thing).  If you move them forward to lock the levers in place in sim, you'll find you won't be able to move the levers.  I've written some preliminary code (currently commented out) to retard the levers ever so slightly based on vibration/turbulence.....but the real conditions that cause levers to move are a bit more varied based on differing aircaft models and maintenance, tensions etc....so I haven't decided just how I'll go about implementing "lever movement due to vibration/turbulence"...but I will at some point and will document it.  At the least I need to document those handles in an orientation capacity.  Thx for the feedback.


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  15. Before the engine starts, you check visually  (pilots lean over and look out the window)....and make sure the blades are "flat". (rather than feathered)

    After engine start...the real MU-2 POH says that if you move the power levers forward past flight idle and you do not see an increase in torque or fuel flow, then the props are on the locks.  In this case... its basically like finding out your car is in neutral when you give it gas and it doesn't go :).  


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