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Posts posted by tkyler

  1. 46 minutes ago, skiselkov said:

    It is a dataref,

    Thx Saso...I saw it in the dataref list and set it to 1, but it was immediately set back to zero so I didn't realize if it worked or not...I wasn't paying attention to the lighting..just 'poking around'.  Certainly if its beneficial during the act of changing a lighting setting, then we'll put it in asap.


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  2. 5 hours ago, rosseloh said:

    as any consideration been given to triggering

    I have no idea what that is or what it does :P   It doesn't seem to be a dataref I can change...or I can't seem to change it with DRE rather.   is there a discussion somewhere on this dataref, what its for and why its desired to mess with?


  3. Well without a doubt the condition levers play into the fuel flow so a hardware setup could come into play depending on its configuration...the condition lever ratio nees to be about 0.4 or higher for engines start.  Not so much the propeller on the locks or unfeather, that really doesn't play into the 'ignition' process. 

    One thing you could try is simply to unplug all hardware and use the keyboard and mouse to move all the levers and see if it starts normally that way....at the least it may be an additional data point.


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  4. thx for the report.   It seems I myself have come across this is the past, though have trouble repeating it...and in addition, have not seen this for quite some time....so I'm going to start by saying I don't think its "Just you".....but follow that on with "I'm not sure what causes it" either.  Historically, its been really rare for me...only once or twice in hundreds and hundreds of starts during development.

    You mentioned start up then shutdown....and IIRC (cause its been a while since it happened)....it seems it was associated with engine shutdown and restart.   This could be a Laminar bug.

    The key is to find a repeatable procedure that results in the same outcome every single time and I haven't been able to do that yet....but I will look at this again and try and repeat it.  

    When it would happen.....and the reason I say it may be a Laminar bug....is all the datarefs I  was monitoring indicated the engine SHOULD have been running...was receiving fuel, was ignited, etc, but it just wouldn't accelerate.

    If you can find an operational sequence where it happens every single time, I'd love to know and try and repeat it and take a look at it.


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  5. 4 hours ago, Bulva said:

    can this aspect be improved in MU2

    Truth be told Bulva, I don't have a VR setup (used to, but not for a while)....BUT....will be getting a new one shortly, so yes, I do expect this aspect to be improved.  I develop on a Mac and swapping back/forth to my Windows box is a bit of a pain atm, but I'm getting a KVM switch to make things more painless and this should make things much more palatable for developing for VR.


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  6. N279MA Livery for MU2, Version 2.0 by TOGA Simulations

    View File

    This folder name is prefixed with an integer.  It is not required, feel free to change the name; however, beginning with Version 2.2 of the MU2 (not out as of this posting),  I (TOGA simulation) will be utilizing a system whereby you can name a livery folder with an integer prefix number,  and in a text file, you will be able to associate a tail number with that folder prefix integer.  In this way,  the tail number in X-Plane an online networks will match the livery tail number.



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  7. Just a rambling blurb here.....   The MU2 for X-Plane has been out a long time and I've answered a lot of support questions over the years... and without a doubt, many folks aren't aware of Garrett's/Honeywell's TPE (Turbo Prop Engine) fixed-shaft type of turboprop and its operation and are only familiar with the 'PT6 paradigm'.   In many cases, this has resulted in such customers frustration with the product....initially....however, once you get all the controls set up properly, and understand the operation and get a few flights under your belt, that tends to go away and I've seen these same customers really grow to like the MU-2.   One document refers to it as "a pilots turboprop"...that is simpler operation, fewer controls,   instant thrust, etc" and I am in agreement with that assessment.   My earliest memory of a MU-2 was when I was about 8 and one took off from my local airport....and I'd seen a lot of airplanes takeoff, my dad and I were "watchers"...but that MU2 was noticeably faster on climbout....really fast...compared to other turboprops and I've loved it ever since.  Its not the kind of flight sim product that sells like an airliner, but I'll probably never stop tweaking on this one,  it really is my "personal X-Plane project".  


  8. I'm a bit confused, you said "during the flight", but also, "on the ground"?  trying to understand exactly the sequence of events here.  Did the instruments freeze "during the flight" and then you landed "on the ground"?   Did this happen with two successive flights?   every single flight? 

    The first two things that come to mind are a potential conflict from another plugin...and the 2nd would be an "initialization" issue with regards to setup of hardware,   Some folks buy the MU2, load it up, configure the hardware and try a flight immediately without reloading the aircraft and this can cause initialization issues for that first flight.

    The 'symptoms' indicate that MU2 code isn't running, the question is why.


  9. 3 hours ago, Kneed said:

    Is that normal?

    it is.  see MU2 docs, section titled  "Prop Locks" 




    If you do not take the props off the locks after engine start, you will get no thrust when advancing the power levers and go nowhere.

    Definitely takes a bit of getting used to compared to other 'free turbine' engine types, but quite natural once you're comfortable with it.


  10. 1 hour ago, Kneed said:

    Would like to get the mixture thing resolved first.

    I'm not sure what is going on...there should be no mixture assignments anywhere in your setup and it should work fine.   Note that some cockpit switches set the mixture "per event" in some cases, that is when the switch is actuated, rather than 'polling' the switch position every flight loop.  This is a coding choice on my part.  So if you set your mixture assignment to NONE, but your joystick had set it to zero before hand...and you did not actuate any other switches or reload the aircraft, and simply tried to start it, it wouldn't start in these cases.  I make the assumption that any hardware axis is never assigned to mixture, which is the logic behind my suggestion to ensure no axis is assigned to mixture, then reload the aircraft and try again.


  11. 6 hours ago, MANOLO said:

    Of course, this plane deserves it because it is full of great details, it is a marvel.

    Thanks for the kind words Manolo,  I'll keep working to improve it, I can still think of lots of cool things to do.  It will probably always be a work in progress.

    Thanks all for the Xchecklist work..I haven't used it before, but will have to check it out, it looks quite handy.


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  12. The quick answer, don't set any hardware to mixture, only NONE (more below)....and save the Moo joystick config so you don't have to reassign every time.  

    You of course mentioned you set it to NONE, but the engines did not start....in this case, I suspect some other input is not set (fuel valve or condition lever position, RCS switches to RUN, etc.) or perhaps some funky initialization situation if you were trying all these changes in a narrow span of time during the same "flight session".   I would ensure no hardware is set to Mixture,  and then double-check any other lever assignments against the setup docs, and just for good measure, reload the aircraft (best using the 'developer' menu)... and retry the engine start per the checklist.

    1 hour ago, Kneed said:

    I cannot find any reference to mixture in the manual.

    The term "mixture" is generally associated with piston engines and not typically used with regards to turbines, which are controlled through FADECs or other fuel controllers for which the pilot has no input to control "the mixture"; however,  in X-Plane, the "Mixture" dataref does indeed control the fuel to the engine......any engine.... piston, turbine, jet.  Its one of the oldest and earliest X-Plane dataref variables and when that sucker is 0, engines are not going to start/run.

    As such, I manipulate this variable several differing ways to simulate no fuel to the engine, i.e via the fuel valve, the condition lever position, or whatever else can keep fuel from reaching the engine.  So any hardware that is assigned to the mixture will be "fighting" with my own code and cause issues.


  13. C-FHMA Livery for MU2, Version 2.0 by TOGA Simulations

    View File

    This folder name is prefixed with an integer.  It is not required, feel free to change the name; however, beginning with Version 2.2 of the MU2 (not out as of this posting),  I (TOGA simulation) will be utilizing a system whereby you can name a livery folder with an integer prefix number,  and in a text file, you will be able to associate a tail number with that folder prefix integer.  In this way,  the tail number in X-Plane an online networks will match the livery tail number.



  14. OH....if anybody is planning on attending FSExpo 2023 in Houston,  I should be there and love to meet and chat up folks.  Long time fans of the IXEG may remember that I spent several years working on a NASA project....and darn if this Expo isn't 5 minutes from the offices I spent 4 years working at (and hampering IXEG work).  ....it is like a 2nd home to me almost and I do know the good spots for food  and wine in this area :P   I'll be wandering the halls aimlessly during the day and hitting the good spots at night and would love to meet anybody who plans on attending. You'll just have to keep an eye out for the name tag, and if I'm not looking at something close up, my 'readers' will be on top of my head.


  15. N937BB Livery for MU2, Version 2.0 by TOGA Simulations.

    View File

    This is a livery for the MU2, version 2.0 by TOGA Simulations.  This livery folder name has a integer prefix, which is not required, feel free to rename the folder; however, beginning with the MU2 version 2.2 (not released as of this posting), I (TOGA Simulations) will be implementing a system whereby you can associate a livery with a tail number using these integer prefixed folder names and an associated text file.  When 2.2 is released, the MU2 docs on liveries will be updated to reflect this system.  In this way, you can assign tail numbers that match liveries that will be utilized in X-Plane for ATC and online flying.


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  16. N15TC Livery for MU2, Version 2.0 by TOGA Simulations.

    View File

    This folder name is prefixed with an integer.  It is not required, feel free to change the name; however, beginning with Version 2.2 of the MU2 (not out as of this posting),  I (TOGA simulation) will be utilizing a system whereby you can name a livery folder with an integer prefix number,  and in a text file, you will be able to associate a tail number with that folder prefix integer.  In this way,  the tail number in X-Plane an online networks will match the livery tail number.



  17. Its a simple business decision based on our many years of experience, more than most developers.  We've kept metrics since day 1 and still do.  When a new version of XP comes out and stabilizes, the majority of users migrate to the new version.  XP12 is so vastly different from XP11 technologically, that maintaining two development branches such that fewer and fewer XP11 users over time can benefit is incredibly costly timewise...and users who linger in older versions commonly do so to avoid the cost of upgrading, either the software or suitable hardware to run it.  They don't usually refrain because they like the "older uglier version" more than the "newer prettier version".......and this generally means they also do not want to pay for the work to upgrade a V11 version either...and catering to that dwindling market would come at the cost of development time to improve the XP12 version for the majority of customers who have moved to XP12, and will do so in the near future.  We have to move where the business is, or go broke and nobody gets the 737.   We deal with this every time X-Plane changes a major version.....nobody that we know of is using XP9 or 10.  Eventually, no one will be using XP11 either.


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