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Everything posted by almostpilot

  1. Love the liveries. Where will it be available to buy? And please please make it the beginning of May, not the end! Cannot wait any longer!
  2. MAY 2015… HOPE SO!
  3. When is this available please? been waiting for years and almost forgot about it...
  4. I hope you can keep your promise re step 1 release… waiting here too...
  5. Any news? Have been waiting for so long for this one...
  6. This is a masterpiece. Truly. When are you going to let us have it? Please? Cannot wait to get this! Together with the Comet being done by Guy Montagu I think these are the best act in progress for XPlane, by far. Please let us have a release date! And congratulations for your amazing talent.
  7. Thank you Nicola
  8. scrap that Nicola, I went back to page three and saw that the image I am talking about was taken during the day, the ground is visible. So the light in the cockpit is ambient light. Sorry to have wasted your time. alex
  9. sorry re the typos... tank you... etc
  10. Tank you, i got that part. What I am talking about is the "general" lighting, you know, in one of your screenshot there is one image where all the indicator, gauges etc are on but also the interior is lit, you can see the seats etc. That's what I am after, the interior light switch... if there is one. Thanks again for the amazing liveries.
  11. uh uh ih this one is gonna be soooo good! Any ideas re fps? will it be ok with decently fast 'puters?
  12. Well i got the BK117 in the end and it is wonderful. Really enjoying it. Thanks to all for the tips. Practice practice practice seems the key... as usual.
  13. Problem solved. sorry. One more and final question, is there a switch to turn on the cabin "general" lighting, as per your images on page 3 of this post. I cannot find the way to turn that one. regards
  14. hello Nicola, hope you see this. I downloaded your "better lighting" zip and installed but instead of brighter cockip I have no light at all in the central panel instruments. Can you help me? Congratulations on the many super liveries for the super XP9 heli...
  15. Second the motion... we need a great Huey! If you need convincing, please read Chickenhawk by Robert Mason. Not just a great book on helis, not just a great book on Vietnam, but a truly great book, period.
  16. thanks to all for the information. I have been training with the Hughes 500 and made some improvements. I still sometimes go backwards when i hover, which makes me mad... but i'll keep trying and XP10 with improved graphics should help in the sense that the ground will be more detailed, therefore it will be easier I guess to visually figure out how far you are from landing, those last few feet often catch me out because the ground is a plain green or grey flat colour. Will get XP10 for sure, as soon as the computer that "can take the job on" is delivered! Best regards to all
  17. Good morning all, Sorry to bother with what may seem like boring old questions. I am trying to learn flying helis, with the 500 and EC135 at present, with the idea of buying BK117 asap. I am finding it very very difficult. take off ok, level flight ok, but landings are hit and miss. I read some of Nicola m suggestions so I try to approach at 40kt, between 300/500fpm descent, flare than hover just above ground and touch down. Well often i get it wrong and often, just when i think i have all under control and coming smoothly down, all power goes to zero and i drop down like a stone. I can see my mistakes when i overcontrol etc... But this sudden shutdown and stone-drop i cannot understand. Any ideas? Have seen videos on you tube of xplaners landing so smoothly and on a ten pence coin, how on earth do you guys do it? Any help is kindly accepted. Best regards PS would the BK117 make things easier for me?
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