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About zzap_v

  • Birthday 07/30/1966

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  1. Sad news. It would raise the realism to new level. Especialy with your moving clouds.
  2. Dont know if it is already answered but, is it in your future plans, to enable the clouds to cast shadows as the defaults did? Thank you
  3. Thank you gentlemen. Everything is perfect again.
  4. bad news for me. My MacPro cannot update to 10.9. hope you find a solution
  5. Thank you Cameron.
  6. Are you on a Mac or Win ?
  7. Good morning I installed 1.3. but nothing appears in plugins menuand the plugin is not there. No skymaxx clouds, The strange thing is that the x-plane clouds were still there and the "cloud detail" was functional in the rendering options, meaning that the installer did not work. I uninstalled, reinstalled, ununstalled and updated x-plane, reinstalled in a clean x-plane, uninstalled and reinstalled again over the previous install... nothing. Removed all other plugins, custom scenery...nothing. Then I tried to reinstalled 1.2 and it was all good. Plugin in menu and skymaxx clouds on the sky. After that I went for another install over the 1.2 from the setup-osx app of the 1.3. Nothing. Only this time there are no clouds at all. I am attaching the log if it helps. OSX 10.7.5 // MacPro // 12Gb ram // ATI 5770 1G // X-P 10.25r1 /Vanghelis Log.txt
  8. we are probably flying in different skyes
  9. Forgive me sir, but I payed my money to what you advertised and promised. And the delivered product is far from what you advertised. I payed 40$ for an unfinished project. You simply made a cosmetic addon to the sim. The weather in X-Plane with your plugin is no longer "weather". No distant clouds, no storms, no rain. Just pretty clouds. If you just said from the beginig that you are selling pretty clouds you would have no complains And as mr Mad Mat my money also is important as the situation in my country (Greece) is also very bad, but I supported you. If you cant handle criticism then you are the one that should look deeper. Thank you
  10. I am sorry to disapoint you John and Cameron, but this does not happen with default clouds. I uninstalled SMP and checked everything. Clouds are there, and I can approach and fly in and out of them. And I have checked it with another friends X-Plane. Same results. Please understand that i am only trying to help here. Thank you.
  11. John here is the video. http://youtu.be/QS_-VcNre0U ( the fadeout is at 2:40 ) Hope it helps...
  12. ok John. I'll try to make the video
  13. Thank you sundog for the responce, but the cloud disapearing thing has nothing to do with visibility settings. Believe me I have tested everything. Hope for a fix from x-plane
  14. What about cloud shadows on the ground?
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