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Ahmed Saleh

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About Ahmed Saleh

  • Birthday 11/27/1974

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  1. I have solved the issue by witching from tripple screens to VR
  2. Sorry. Can't help. I have a 210 FOV screens but still run a mouse and keyboard.
  3. When you see the error click ignore and continue flying. Anything else you will crash...
  4. No need. Cameron has already replied above. There will be a fix in the future but not very soon.
  5. @CameronThere is no change with V-sync on. I get a stable 60 fps in the desert and this always happens when I hover over the left screen.
  6. Forgot to give you some details Cam... I have a tripple 4k screens running natively. I do not use v-sync but I will give it a try and revert. Thank you!
  7. This is positive Cameron. I have a constant 30-40 fps with my 4090. This bug wasn't existing in XP-11. As a workaround, I press ignore and continue doe mow. I am sure you will get this sorted in the future. All the best!
  8. @Ben RussellI strongly believe it is related to multiple screens setups. And it's rare because such setups are rare too.
  9. Hi, I am also having a tripple screen setup and I think this product hasn't been tested with multi-screen. The problem does definitely look to be there. Can you pls solve this compatibility issue?
  10. The fps seems pretty stable... Like before the bug.
  11. OK so what to do? Is everyone not using the side menu at all?
  12. I installed the latest 2022 both 64 and 86 versions.
  13. I don't know. I have shared the failure message I receive
  14. Hi there, Pls find it attached. Thanks for the support. Log.txt
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