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Everything posted by nath4n77

  1. Because i got this morals thing the way you treat your PAYING customers, i wouldnt care if you fixed your dodgy software i wouldn't use it Understament
  2. Never Have I read such bad reviews about any flight sim company as x aviation. They are complete psychos, would not know customer service if it was rammed up their arses. Gizmo is a virus, had to reactivate all my other addons. Please please please ban me from this forum, lest anyone finds out the truth. Wasted 100 Aud on the TBM, if only to meet these pricks and f&^% &^#&^@&!*&*#@# Nothing im writing is misleading! say it again as others have said, vote with your wallets
  3. Ok Goran, many thanks that is good to know, thanks for the explination. regards
  4. No. I did remove. I will re add it when TBM900 issue is resolved, im not sure what other bugs could be caused by the plugin. What does Gizmo do for x plane, beside be abe to use the TBM? As I say I am new, an old FSX player Programme in Lua Script..i c I have no other addons that require gizmo except TBM900. Great plane, but guess I will have to wait for the issues to be fixed first before I can fly it.
  5. Thanks Mokny, I fly very bare, I have no scenery packages, no ai traffic, no HDR very basics, and its happening to me. All sliders to the left.The only thing I had going was the FSGRW. I have to do research because I am new, but I do not exactly know what GIZMO64 does. Each time I removed the plugin, it affected my other payware aircraft. I had to re activate all my carenado aircraft. Not happy! I dont believe you can remove GIZMO64 and fly the TBM900 without it right? regards
  6. Thanks Tom. Are you online and using any weather generator using tbm?
  7. propper log attached kdsl to kjsc fs real global wx updated along the way, worked fine for awhile, then lost around 15 fps toward end going through some cloud killing fps. Did not get back my 60fps until shutdown at san Jose, where as usually get back popping out of the clouds. also always i turn off windows defender b4 landing, this made no difference. Log.txt
  8. Sorry pulled the log at the wrong time. Now unsaved. Its the TBM 900 im having trouble with, as others have reported on the forum it slows down, and as i say 60fps to 40fps. And dont say 40fps is still good!! Lol Im just about to do a run ksdl ksjc in the tbm with fs real global wx updating along the way. I will pull the log once it happen Regards
  9. Message: Hi I know you are aware of this problem. I am getting my 60fps to start with on the tbm 900 then after two hours or so drops to 40 fps regardless settings, can i send log file for your assistance. Anything I can do to help? I am running FS real global weather! I will send log. Paid too much money on this bird, and looking to help fix this issue, kind regards Nathan Name of product(s) - Put N/A for none: Take command hotstart tbm 900 i7-4770k @ 3.50ghz R 8.00gb gtx 780 Log.txt
  10. moved to tbm support forum
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