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Everything posted by oregonboy109

  1. Cameron's going to oshkosh! lucky Take your time guys, i'm sure it will be worth the wait.
  2. Been pretty quiet around here lately, any updates?
  3. Some shots of my first full flight in the cessna 152! KONT-KLGB. enjoy
  4. All right I will email as soon as I find some good pictures! Thanks again oregonboy109
  5. Ya im definently interested in any liveries thank you so much. Iv'e been flying all day and I love it . Defenently recommend it. oregonboy109
  6. its really great I got it this morning and im having so much fun.
  7. my new cessna 152!! LOVE IT ;D
  8. Thanks guys, I decided to go with Carenado
  9. Hello everyone, Im looking for a Cessna 152 and there are 4 payware 152's on the market... C74 X-Hanger 4Forces Carenado I have never flown any of them so I do not know about the flight models which for me is the most important part. If anyone has flown any of these models and can comment that would be great. Thanks! oregonboy109
  10. If im not mistaken a 3D cockpit will be in the works for future updates.
  11. Delta Connection SSJ leaving SFO
  12. Speaking of IFE I flew my first long international flight in january to Peru on a Delta 764, and man my friend and I must have killed 2 hours just on the games. Great job Delta! Awesome A380 BTW
  13. yes I understand. Sorry
  14. I never said that Jack couldn't choose to sell it there or anywhere else he wants. I was just wondering why it was posted then taken down
  15. Hi everyone, this morning I saw the FJS Q400 at the .org. I was under the impression that it was only sold at armchair aviation. Then when I looked again about 6 hours later it was gone. weird any thoughts
  16. love the air canada jazz paint
  17. I finally got xtraffic up and running ;D! Heres a Virgin America A320 taking off from RW 28R at SFO and an AA T7 on final. Hope you like it!
  18. ahh ok im sure the sounds in xplane will be great Will this be part of the "Take Command" series at x-aviation?
  19. Aer Lingus flight 421 from Dublin touching down in a storm.
  20. Flies just fine for me. Same
  21. Some modified screenshots on my new plane I picked up this morning. Im having way to much fun! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  22. Are the sounds in the videos real or are they in xplane? the plane looks amazing keep up the good work
  23. It will be a hard project but I think ??? these guys ??? could do it.
  24. Its still an awesome plane and I highly recommend you get it.
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