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Everything posted by FishermanIvan

  1. IXEG Boeing 737-300 Classic - Canadian North View File Canadian North 737-300s, originally by Veace, updated by me. This one comes in two variants, a full passenger version, and a version that has a Combi door applied to the side of the fuselage. It's obviously just for aesthetics (and the combi door texture is by Shenherm, so thanks to him for making it/letting me use it!) C-GCNZ is the passenger variant C-GZCN is the combi variant. For realism, you wouldn't use the winglets on this, as they don't have them. I've updated and fixed some little inaccuracies, such as the flags, the logo placement (for these particular airframes, where Veace had it for his registration was accurate), added fin numbers to the tail and nose gear doors, painted the winglets, added the barber pole colours to the antennae, and a couple more little things. I didn't touch the swoopy pattern by Veace, as my talent for that kind of thing pales in comparison to his. There are some inaccuracies, such as the doors all being the same colour, and no registration under the wing, since I'm limited by the IXEG model. I've also included an accurate Canadian North Yoke Checklist, which is the B733_nolit.png file. That one has to go in your IXEG 733 Classic/objects folder, and it will overwrite any other file in there, as well as give that checklist to every 733 in your fleet. So use at your discretion. If there's anything else that you think could be added, PM me on the org! - FishermanIvan Submitter FishermanIvan Submitted 02/08/2019 Category Heavy Metal X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Canadian North 737-300s, originally by Veace, updated by me. This one comes in two variants, a full passenger version, and a version that has a Combi door applied to the side of the fuselage. It's obviously just for aesthetics (and the combi door texture is by Shenherm, so thanks to him for making it/letting me use it!) C-GCNZ is the passenger variant C-GZCN is the combi variant. For realism, you wouldn't use the winglets on this, as they don't have them. I've updated and fixed some little inaccuracies, such as the flags, the logo placement (for these particular airframes, where Veace had it for his registration was accurate), added fin numbers to the tail and nose gear doors, painted the winglets, added the barber pole colours to the antennae, and a couple more little things. I didn't touch the swoopy pattern by Veace, as my talent for that kind of thing pales in comparison to his. There are some inaccuracies, such as the doors all being the same colour, and no registration under the wing, since I'm limited by the IXEG model. I've also included an accurate Canadian North Yoke Checklist, which is the B733_nolit.png file. That one has to go in your IXEG 733 Classic/objects folder, and it will overwrite any other file in there, as well as give that checklist to every 733 in your fleet. So use at your discretion. If there's anything else that you think could be added, PM me on the org! - FishermanIvan
  3. Uploaded!
  4. I've heavily modified Veace's Canadian North paint. Switched to a combi reg, added Shenherm's combi door decal, re-positioned the titles, swapped the flags on the FO's side like they should be, re-did the lower antennae so they're the correct barber pole pattern, added the correct winglets (if you wanted them, Canadian North doesn't have winglets on the combis), added more of 5T's red lines on the fuselage, painted the doors as close as the model will allow, swapped the yoke checklist for a Canadian North checklist, and a few other little things... But I'm calling this one done, and if I ever hear from him, I'll upload it so people can download this.
  5. Found the antennae... my other questions remain!
  6. Where are the antennas located in the paintkit? Can't seem to find them? Specifically, the bottom antennae. I want to add detail to the Canadian North paint that's out, and I'm looking for these striped antennae. Also, I see in the main objects folder that there IS two separate wing textures, but when I add a registration to the bottom of the wing, it mirrors it. Is there a way around that at all? ALSO, can you paint the front and rear doors separately?
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