Dear Community,
over the last months I got several emails and messages over with demandings about updates for existing files or config files for new planes.
Unfortunately due real life and the lack of time I closed the smart copilot config garage.
We had a good time in this small group of people who develop config files for smartcopilot. It was fun to create and test files for hours with theses lovely people. And I like say thank you again to all of them. Some of them still developing files or will maintain their created files in the future.
But the following files will be released to community care. If anyone of you have the time, the skill and the mood to maintain and update them in the future I couldn’t be happier. Of course there is always space for a better file. So feel free to do them also from scratch.
Flight Factor 767
Laminar Baron B58 + REP version
Laminar Baron B58 G1000
Carenado DO228
RWDesigns DHC Twin Otter
RWDesigns Hawker 4000
Colimata Concorde FXP
Aerobask Robin DR401
Hotstart TBM900
I will monitor the files on the syk4crew website from time to time. If I find a newer version of one of these files, I will delete my version.
Last but not least , I will say thank you for all your nice words all the likes from all of you who appreciated my small contribution to the community, which is one of the best communities out there. Keep that up.
I hope we see us in the future in the forum , on discords or in the virtual sky.