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Everything posted by brivadois

  1. John, Thanks for your help; everything works fine now. François
  2. No way to lift the crash bar up. It lifts down immediatly and I cannot start the aircraft. Probably my fault because I did not use XP11 for a long time. Everything worked fine last year with the TBM previous version but not with 1.19. Thanks for your help.
  3. I use the ToLiss and their custom Save/Load functionality is very usefull. I really hope it will be possible with the TBM1900, one of these days. The team has still made a wonderful airplane. Just waiting for further improvements.
  4. You made a great job: with my GTX 1080, a 7820X CPU and 32 Go RAM, I get around 30-40% of improvement with 1.0.5 compared to 1.0.4. Thank you very much.
  5. Shame on me. I forgot to swith the YD off. And yes, even with a 1080, the FPS increase a lot. I can also use accelerated time (twice faster than before). A great new release, thanks to the team.
  6. Great improvement for fps, but, maybe my fault (beginning withXP), no more elevator trim or aileron trim (with keyboard or joystick) which worked before. Thanks for your help.
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