With the help of severniae, the VR config file has been modified to allow for better VR manipulation of switches, knobs and a few additional hot spots. I have attached the updated VR config file to drop into your CL650 aircraft folder. Should you want to have the pressure manual alt 3 way switch to work properly in VR (overhead panel top right of the aircraft red switch), You will need to go into the Cockpit OBJ file and change the following. locate the similar text and replace it with the one provided here. (The x/y/z was changed a bit to allow for the proper manipulation)
ATTR_manip_command_axis hand 0 -0.050000001 0 CL650/overhead/press/man/alt_up CL650/overhead/press/man/alt_down Manual Altitude Select.
If you don't do this, you will get a VR config file error, but it won't impact anything. You can just click understood and keep it moving.
Please note the DISCLAIMER, the file is not officially supported by X-Aviation, Hot Start or LES