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Everything posted by Flyer_J

  1. No problem, makes sense. I just find it frustrating when I'm doing all the piloting work and I look over and my co-pilot is just sitting there watching videos on his EFB! Seriously though, I don't know if it would make a difference in rendering, but it might save a few cpu/gpu cycles... or not. Would just be a "nicety" not a "necessity" for this wonderful aircraft. Thanks for providing an explanation. Jd
  2. Is it possible to select only the pilot side tablet (visible) and turn off the co-pilot side (hidden)? Or vice versa if you're flying from the right seat. I see there is power/tilt options currently. If not, a kind future suggestion to have a click spot (or menu option) to show/hide the tablet of your choice would be welcomed. My apologies if this has already been asked, a quick search did not return any results. Thank you for your time.
  3. Thanks for the update Coop, I appreciate your teams effort. I will continue to try and isolate this anomaly... Really think the BN-2 is first class.
  4. O.k. So I'm not alone. Did it just start randomly or did you have this from initial install? Mine has been there from initial install and re-install. Can you attach your log.txt? I guess we'll have to figure it out. Thanks
  5. Thanks for taking the time to reply/verify. It's very strange indeed. Reinstalled BN-2, vanilla X-Plane. Pic 1 - Can see the yellow taxi line Pic 2 - Grass showing Pic 3 - You can see the windsock Same results with HDR on or off. If I'm flying I can see the ground below passing by through all the lettering on the chronometer. It must be something with my install if there are no other reports of this. Will continue to test and my apologies for the wild goose chase . Thanks! Log.txt
  6. Experiencing this also, lots of nose down trim required in level cruise.
  7. I can see the ground passing by through the writing (appears transparent) on the chronometer. Could someone kindly verify if they are seeing this too to determine if it's just me or the a/c. Tks
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