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Everything posted by simbabeat

  1. X-Plane Chat is back! Real life took me over the past weeks but I am back and writing for X-Plane Chat again. Couple new posts are up. Click in my signature to go read. Simon B
  2. Alright here's what I did. I took out all my aircraft, all my plugins, all my scenery, everything. Deleted that x-plane folder, and re installed. I added plugins back one by one and scenery and aircraft all at one time. The result? No crashes, yet. What was wrong is beyond me!
  3. I'm a bit late. But I'm sure the best tip anyone over the internet could give is to NOT, thats right, NOT, CRASH!! Congrats though Oliver!
  4. Alright sorry that I have been really stubborn about doing the demo try. It's just that I had a perfectly fine, working version of X-Plane, and now, noooo! So, I downloaded the demo, no crashes. I am now convinced that this isn't a Lion problem. What's the next step? I have already added and subtracted plugins one by one, problem aircraft one by one. Would the log.txt from the demo be of help? I compared them and there was nothing significantly different. Cheers
  5. Ok here is my most recent crash. I uninstalled my Cessna Corvalis TT, uninstalled gizmo and shrinkwrap, and uninstalled the Seabee. Here is log.txt and the apple crash report for this one. Log.txt applecrash.txt
  6. Ahhh! But it is also happening when I am not loading an SASL plane... Because the Seabee was to complex to work on my Snow Leopard system's video card. Lemme do some things such as disabling gizmo, and the demo download and see what happens. As for Goran's karma, I sent it down for the Windows 7 comment, but then sent it up again for his Theo wisecrack! EDIT: Also, one more thing; If Gizmo has so many conflicts with other plugins and planes, why can't it be used in an aircraft specific plugin folder? For example, the x737 plugin.
  7. What is wrong with X-Plane's built in screen recorder?
  8. Yes, I am on an external hard drive. As for downgrading to Snow Leopard, I'd be open to it. But I would like to stay with Lion.
  9. Ok crashed again. Attached is the report that the computer gave me and the log.txt. Log.txt applecrash.txt
  10. Ok wow. Yes agreed with both of you. No need to argue over it. But what is done is done, I have upgraded to Lion. If it happens again, I will get another log.txt and the apple bug report for you guys. Also, if an acf is not a Gizmo one, should I disable the gizmo and shrinkwrap plugins? There are a bunch of Gizmo and Shrinkwrap lines at the end of the log. Why aren't the gizmo and shrinkwrap plugins just included in a plugins folder in their respective aircraft folders? Simon
  11. I did that. There is no reason I shouldn't have upgraded to Lion. It is stable and many other x-plane users are using it. I am not saying my problem is because of Lion.
  12. I upgraded to OS X Lion yesterday and I immediately have been experiencing MANY crashes to the desktop. I tried disabling plugins one by one and deleting the preferences folder and it still happened. I have attached a log.txt for everyone to take a gander at. Log.txt
  13. Flying the Corvalis and c74.net's Piper Archer on my 27" inch iMac. I feel like I'm there! It's HUGE! Simon B
  14. That is what X-Plane automatically does when you have a low framerate. Lower visibility=higher framerate. What are your framerates when this happens?
  15. Exactly what I did. Your right though. I'm happy above 30. Anything below that I get a little queasy. I pretty much have everything on "TOTALLY INSANE" right now and it's handling it pretty fine.
  16. Ha! It takes some getting used to. I actually have turn my head to look around the display! Wooh! I opened up x-plane with my old rendering options on my old comp (1.83GHz, 2GB RAM, 128VRAM) And i was getting 200+ in the fps department. I think I'm going to cry!
  17. Thanks for all the advice guys! It came today and I couldn't be happier. The 27 inch screen is HUUUGE. She is really a beast. Sorry for the low res pic. Cheers
  18. Same here! What happened?!?!?!?!?!?!
  19. Wow! What do you guys have in there! I thought mine was HUGE at 99gb! My acf folder is 19.
  20. Thanks Kaphias. Now here is my predicament, to upgrade to Lion or not. I am currently using Snow Leopard and am perfectly happy. I have heard mixed reviews about it. I don't want my mac to have iOS on it. I have my iphone for that...
  21. Thanks for the advice guys. I went with this one here: http://store.apple.com/us/product/FC511LL/A?mco=MjEwNTcxMTA I think I will be glad I got a 1 gb card.
  22. I am ok with photo scenery but I think there comes a point where it is to much. Such as those vehicles in the screenshots.
  23. The photo textures make me want to puke, but besides that the modeling is alright it seems.
  24. I will be! Ill also be spending a lot more money probably because I will be able to fly the later an greatest! I found a little Mac trick to throttle your CPU power all to x-plane. I'll post that another time. That's probably the only way I could have run x-plane on that MacBook.
  25. A Macbook Pro 1,1. 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo. 2GB of RAM. 128MB of VRAM. Surprisingly, it can run pretty much everything except for products like the CRJ.
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